Title Energetska iskoristivost kore i koštica nara (Punica granatum L.)
Title (english) Energy properties of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) peel and seeds
Author Anamarija Peter
Mentor Neven Voća (mentor)
Committee member Neven Voća (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željka Zgorelec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Matin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Sustainable Technologies and Renewable Energy Sources) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Potrebe za dodatnim izvorima energije rastu iz dana u dan. Fosilna goriva nisu obnovljiv
izvor energije, stoga je potrebno razmišljati o alternativnim rješenjima. Jedno od takvih rješenja
je korištenje otpada kao izvor energije, gdje otpad prestaje biti otpad i postaje sirovina (EC,
2011). Posljednjih godina, istraživanja su pokazala pozitivne učinke upotrebe poljoprivrednih
ostataka u svrhu proizvodnje energije. Biomasa koja nastaje nakon prerade nara (Punica
granatum L.), a to su kora i koštice, čine gotovo od 45 do 60 % ukupne mase ploda, koji zbog
svojih energetski visokovrijednih organskih spojeva predstavljaju potencijalni izvor energije.
Stoga je potrebno istražiti energetska svojstva navedenih ostataka, tj. istražiti njihovu
primjenjivost u svrhu korištenja kao sirovine za proizvodnju energije. U ovom su radu navedeni
postupci pripreme uzoraka i same fizikalno-kemijske te gorive analize kore i koštica dviju
različitih sorta nara uzgojenih u RH (Glavaš i Dividiš). Analize su provedene radi određivanja
energetske iskoristivosti, a istraživani parametri bili su: analiza suhe tvari pepela, sadržaji
koksa, fiksiranog ugljika, hlapivih i gorivih tvari te sadržaji celuloze i hemiceluloze kao i gornja
energetska vrijednost.
Jedan od ključnih problema u svijetu sve je veća potrošnja energije. Neodrživi izvori,
pretežno nafta i plin, uvijek prevladavaju u toj potrošnji. No to ne mijenja činjenicu da su to
neobnovljivi izvori energije kojih je sve manje, jer se nepovratno troše iz dana u dan i iza sebe
ostavljaju štetne učinke na okoliš kao i na zdravlje ljudi. Alternativu tome čine obnovljivi izvori
energije, a među njima i biomasa. Jedna od nebrojenih mogućnosti koju nam nudi biomasa je
korištenje iste za proizvodnju toplinske i električne energije izgaranjem.
Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi mogućnost korištenja biomase, odnosno kore i koštica
ploda nara koji ostaju nakon prerade te utvrditi njihov potencijal kao energenta u svrhu
dobivanja toplinske i električne energije.
Abstract (english) The need for additional energy sources is growing from day to day. Fossil fuels are not
renewable energy sources, so alternative solutions need to be considered. One such solution is
the use of waste as a source of energy, where waste ceases to be the waste and becomes material.
In recent years, research has shown positive effects of using agricultural residues for the
purpose of energy production. Biomass that emerges after the cultivation of the pomegranate
(Punica granatum L.), which is peel and pomegranate seeds, make almost up to 45-60 % of the
total weight of the fruit, which due to its high energy value organic compounds, represent a
potential source of energy. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the energy properties of the
above-mentioned residues, to investigate their applicability for use as feedstock for energy
production. This paper deals with the preparation of samples for the physiochemical and fuel
analysis of the peel and pomegranate seeds of two different varieties of pomegranate raised in
Croatia (Glavaš and Dividiš). The analyses were carried out to determine the energy utilization
and we used: ash analysis, coke contents, fixed carbon content, volatile and combustible
substances, cellulose and hemicellulose contents as well as the upper energy value.
One of the key problems in the world is the increased energy consumption. Unsustainable
sources, predominantly oil and gas, always prevail in the energy consumption. But this does
not change the fact that these are non-renewable energy sources which has remained less and
less in the world, since they are irreversibly consumed day by day and leaving behind harmful
effects on the environment as well as on human health. Alternatives to this are renewable energy
sources, including biomass. One of the countless possibilities offered by biomass is to use
biomass as feedstock for the production of heat and electricity, or energy by direct combustion.
The aim of this study was to determine the possibility of using biomass, namely
pomegranate peel and seeds that remain after processing, as well as to determine their potential
as an energy source for production of energy via direct combustion.
obnovljivi izvori energije
energetska iskoristivost
Keywords (english)
renewable energy sources
energy utilization
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:347359
Study programme Title: Agroecology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka agroekologija (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka agroekologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-10-25 06:14:04