Title Istraživanje kontaminacija gljivama na slici "Portret muškarca" - identifikacija i moguće rješenje
Title (english) Investigation of fungal contamination in the painting "Portrait of a man" - identification and possible solution
Author Antun Škrlec
Mentor Barbara Horvat Kavazović (mentor)
Mentor Domagoj Šatović (komentor)
Mentor Ivana Kušan (komentor)
Committee member Vladan Desnica (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tamara Ukrainčik (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jagor Bučan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Academy of Fine Arts (Department of Conservation and Restoration) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-06-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts
Abstract Diplomski rad obuhvaća konzervatorsko-restauratorske radove na slici „Portret muškarca“ te istraživanje utjecaja plijesni (gljiva) na slike na platnenom nosiocu. Za vrijeme posjeta čuvaonici Akademije likovnih umjetnosti, utvrđena je neočekivana gljivična kolonizacija na brojnim umjetninama. Kolonizacija je neočekivana, budući da su uvjeti unutar čuvaonice unutar definiranih normi za čuvanje muzejskih predmeta. Pregledom stručne literature uočeno je da se identična situacija događa u čuvaonicama diljem svijeta, stoga je bilo nužno spriječiti daljnju kolonizaciju te ukloniti postojeću. U sklopu izrade diplomskog rada provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem identifikacije gljiva koje je uključivalo uzorkovanje gljiva s površine tri kontaminirane umjetnine, njihovu izolaciju u čiste kulture i identifikaciju putem sekvenciranja DNA. Iako je izmjerena relativna vlažnost zadovoljavala smjernice za očuvanje umjetničkih predmeta, kolonije gljiva bile su raspoređene na svim umjetninama unutar čuvaonice. S druge strane, na površinama zidova i stropova nije utvrđen rast gljiva. Sekvenciranjem DNA iz direktnih uzoraka utvrđene su visoke koncentracije vrste Aspergillus halophilicus. Riječ je kserofilnoj vrsti gljive koju karakterizira rast pri niskoj relativnoj vlažnosti; znatno nižoj od one utvrđene normama za pohranu umjetnina. U sklopu istraživanja spomenuto je koliko je važan izbor adekvatne podloge za rast gljiva te kako se različitim postupcima mogu dobiti različiti rezultati. U konačnici, na primjeru slike „Portret muškarca“ utvrđena je učinkovitost tretiranja gljivične kolonizacije esencijalnim uljima klinčića, timijana, lavande i kadulje. Ovo istraživanje važno je za utvrđivanje identiteta gljiva koje infestiraju umjetnine, tretiranje infestiranog predmeta te postavljanje pitanja o uvriježenim vrijednostima za čuvanje i pohranu umjetnina. Prirodno-znanstvena istraživanja izvedena su na Odsjeku za konzerviranje i restauriranje umjetnina Akademije likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu te u suradnji sa stručnjacima s Instituta Ruđer Bošković, Zavoda za istraživanje mora i okoliša, Laboratorija za biološku raznolikost.
Abstract (english) This thesis encompasses conservation and restoration work done on the painting "Portrait of a Man", as well as the research into the influence of mold (fungi) on canvas paintings. During a visit to the depot of the Academy of Fine Arts, an unexpected fungal colonization has been found on numerous works of art inside the depot. The colonization is surprising, since the conditions inside the depot are within the defined norms for museum objects' conservation. While reviewing the professional literature, it was noticed that an identical situation occurs in depots all over the world, therefore it was necessary to prevent further colonization and remove the existing one. As part of the thesis, research was conducted with the aim of identifying fungi, including sampling fungi from the surface of three contaminated works of art, their isolation into pure cultures and identification through DNA sequencing. Although the measured relative humidity met the guidelines for the conservation of art objects, fungal colonies were distributed on all art within the depot. On the other hand, no fungal growth was found on the surfaces of the walls and ceilings. DNA sequencing from the direct source revealed high concentrations of fungi belonging to the species Aspergillus halophilicus. These are xerophilic fungi characterized by growth at low relative humidity; significantly lower than one established by the norms for the storage of art. As part of the research, it was mentioned how important it is to choose [BH2] an adequate substrate for the growth of fungi and how different results can be obtained with different procedures. Ultimately, the effectiveness of treating fungal colonization with essential oils of clove, thyme, lavender and sage was determined on the example of the painting "Portrait of a Man". This research is important for determining the identity of fungi that infest art, treating the infested object, and asking questions about traditional values for the conservation and storage of art. Natural-scientific research was carried out at the Conservation and Restoration Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb and in collaboration with experts from the Ruđer Bošković Institute, Division for Marine and Environmental Research, Laboratory for Biological Diversity.
štafelajna slika
plijesni na platnenom nosiocu
identifikacija gljiva
sekvencioniranje DNA
kserofilne gljive
esencijalna ulja
Keywords (english)
easel painting
mold on canvas paintings
identification of fungi
DNA sequencing
xerophilic fungi
essential oils
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:215:715542
Study programme Title: Conservation and Restoration; specializations in: Painting, Sculpture Course: Painting Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra restauriranja i konzerviranja umjetnina (magistar/magistra restauriranja i konzerviranja umjetnina)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-10-04 11:28:16