Title Upotreba suvremenih 3D tehnologija u zaštiti i očuvanju kulturne baštine
Title (english) The Use of Modern 3D Technologies in Protection and Perservation of Cultural Heritage
Author Josip Simon
Mentor Vladan Desnica (mentor)
Mentor Ana Božičević (komentor)
Committee member Domagoj Šatović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Alen Novoselec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Suzana Damiani (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Academy of Fine Arts (Department of Conservation and Restoration) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts
Abstract U ovom diplomskom radu istražuje se razvoj i primjena 3D tehnologije u konzerviranju i restauriranju kulturne baštine, prateći evoluciju fotogrametrije od njenih ranih početaka u 19. stoljeću do suvremenih digitalnih inovacija. Rad započinje pregledom povijesnih metoda koje su oblikovale fotogrametriju, uključujući pionirske radove Aiméa Laussedata1, koji je često smatran "ocem fotogrametrije", i Albrechta Meydenbauera2, koji je dao značajan doprinos razvoju ove discipline primjenom fotografije
... More za precizno mjerenje i dokumentiranje arhitektonskih spomenika. Rad je fokusiran na primjeni suvremenih 3D tehnologija u procesima konzerviranja i restauriranja s naglaskom na digitalnu dokumentaciju povijesnih novčića i skulptura. Korištenjem softverskih alata kao što su Polycam i Agisoft Metashape izrađeni su precizni digitalni modeli odabranih umjetnina. Modeli povijesnih novčića i skulptura ne samo da omogućuju detaljnu analizu i dokumentiranje, već služe kao osnova za daljnju proizvodnju replika putem 3D tiskanja i drugih naprednih tehnologija. Digitalni modeli omogućuju restauratorima točno reproduciranje oštećenih ili izgubljenih dijelova, zadržavajući izvornu strukturu i izgled artefakata. U komparativnoj analizi, rad uspoređuje performanse Polycam i Agisoft Metashape softvera u fotogrametrijskim zadacima. Polycam se pokazao kao izuzetno koristan alat za početni pristup fotogrametriji, pogotovo za korisnike bez prethodnog iskustva. Njegova jednostavnost korištenja i brza obrada podataka čine ga idealnim za edukacijske svrhe kao početna točka za studente ili entuzijaste koji nemaju pristup snažnom računalnom hardveru. S druge strane, Agisoft Metashape nudi naprednije mogućnosti i detaljnije rezultate, što ga čini pogodnijim za složenije projekte gdje je potrebna visoka razina detalja i točnosti. Zaključak i rasprava rada ističu važnost integracije suvremenih 3D tehnologija u procese očuvanja kulturne baštine. Less
Abstract (english) This thesis explores the development and application of 3D technologies in the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage, tracing the evolution of photogrammetry from its early beginnings in the 19th century to modern digital innovations. The study begins with a review of the historical methods that shaped photogrammetry, including the pioneering works of Aimé Laussedat, who is often regarded as the "father of photogrammetry," and Albrecht Meydenbauer, who made significant
... More contributions to the development of this discipline through the use of photography for precise measurement and documentation of architectural monuments. The thesis then focuses on the application of contemporary 3D technologies in conservation and restoration processes, with an emphasis on the digital documentation of historical coins and polychrome sculptures. By using software tools such as Polycam and Agisoft Metashape, precise digital models of these artifacts were created. These models not only allow for detailed analysis and preservation but also serve as the basis for the production of replicas through 3D printing and other advanced technologies. Digital models enable restorers to accurately reproduce damaged or lost parts, maintaining the original structure and appearance of the artifacts. In a comparative analysis, the thesis evaluates the performance of Polycam and Agisoft Metashape software in photogrammetric tasks. Polycam has proven to be an extremely useful tool for the initial approach to photogrammetry, especially for users with no prior experience. Its ease of use and fast data processing make it ideal for educational purposes, serving as a starting point for students or enthusiasts who do not have access to powerful computer hardware. On the other hand, Agisoft Metashape offers more advanced features and greater precision, making it more suitable for complex projects where a high level of detail and accuracy is required. The conclusion and discussion of the paper highlight the importance of integrating modern 3D technologies into the processes of cultural heritage preservation. Less
3D tehnologija
konzervatorsko-restauratorska istraživanja
Keywords (english)
3D technology
conservation-restoration research
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:215:270572
Study programme Title: Conservation and Restoration; specializations in: Painting, Sculpture Course: Sculpture Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra restauriranja i konzerviranja umjetnina (magistar/magistra restauriranja i konzerviranja umjetnina)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2024-10-08 09:53:11