Abstract | Svrha ovog rada bila je ostvariti uvjete za slobodno likovno izražavanje učenika te poticanje učenika da zajedničkim radom ostvare ambijent koji će biti izraz njihovog sigurnog prostora.
Problem od kojeg je polazilo ovo istraživanje je taj što su učenici kod individualnog rada uglavnom prepušteni sebi te često ne ostvare puni potencijal. Stoga se postavilo pitanje na koji način nastavu Likovne kulture približiti učenicima da svaki oblik nesigurnosti koji osjećaju za vrijeme nastave uspiju prepoznati, osvijestiti i reagirati na njega kroz likovni izraz te kako im osigurati uvjete da to mogu ostvariti. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ostvariti uvjete u kojima će se učenici osjećati slobodnijima u likovnom izražavanju, otkriti kako ih potaknuti da izraze ono što ih čini nesigurnima tijekom nastavnog procesa i kako te nesigurnosti prevladati kroz likovno-prostorno rješenje. Istraživačka pitanja na koja se odgovorilo u rezultatima istraživanja su:
Kada se i zašto učenici osjećaju nesigurnima u nastavi Likovne kulture? Kako ostvariti uvjete u kojima se učenici mogu osjećati slobodnijima u likovnom izražavanju? Kakvi su to uvjeti za učenike?
Istraživanje se provodilo kvalitativnom metodom i akcijskim istraživanjem u tri koraka, s učenicima u redovnoj nastavi po dva nastavna dvosata svaka dva tjedna. U tu svrhu bili su osmišljeni individualni zadaci za učenike. U prvom koraku zadaci su bili povezani s temama nesigurnosti. U drugom koraku zadaci su bili povezani s prethodnom temom tako da učenici reagiraju na nesigurnosti i da ih pretvore u sigurnosti. U trećem koraku učenici su samostalno dolazili do rješenja ambijentalnog likovnog izraza, prostora koji bi u njima stvarao osjećaj sigurnosti. Pri tome je završni rezultat bio bitan za istraživanje, ali bitniji je sam proces kako su učenici došli do tog rješenja. Instrumenti istraživanja koji su bili korišteni su: uvodna anketa s pitanjima; pisane priče učenika i zadatci za učenike.
Očekivalo se da će učenici moći propitivati osjećaj sigurnosti i kako se do njega dolazi te će se pomoću poticanja intrinzične motivacije izraziti zajedničkom radom, odnosno izraditi ambijent.
Korisnost ovog istraživanja bio je uvid u značaj samog prostora koji nas okružuje te kako nam sam prostor može izazvati nesigurnosti, i obrnuto. Ovo je istraživanje željelo potaknuti učenike da kroz vođenu nastavu dođu do odgovora kako bi izgledao njihov zajednički ambijent u kojem se osjećaju sigurnije i slobodnije. |
Abstract (english) | The main purpose of this thesis was to create perfect conditions in order to let students express themselves artistically and, also, to create an environment in which they, as a group, would feel secure.
Definitely, the biggest issue that sparked this research was the student’s inability to reach their full potential while being constrained to individual work, which is often the case in many schools today. The question was how to construct school art classes in a way that would allow students to recognize, realize and react to the feeling of insecurity and uncertainty, by expressing it artistically. The goal of this research and thesis was to create conditions that would allow students to feel free while expressing themselves through art, to try and entice them to reveal that which makes them feel insecure and how to overcome those insecurities by changing their ambiance with art. These were the research points, or rather main questions that were answered:
When and why do students feel insecure in art class? What are the conditions that need to be met in order for students to feel more free while doing art assignments and how to meet these conditions?
This research was conducted in three steps, by using qualitative method and action research. Each step was conducted during regular two school hours, every two weeks. The first step explored the feeling of insecurity through various assignments. The second step demanded of students to react to their insecurities and make them feel secure. The third step left students to mold and style one space, in a way that would make them feel safe and secure. Even though the space was, in its way, the final achievement of the whole research, the whole mental process that the students endured was far more relevant in terms of the research itself. Different methods and tools were used in order to collect data: an anonymous poll, written short stories and other more artistic assignments for the students. Notes and thoughts written by the students during the research, and also their models and final assignments were all taken into consideration while questioning the success of the research. The notes served as a comparison tool, while the final assignment proved that you can offer students working conditions in which they will feel safe to explore and express themselves.
The expected outcome was for students to question what makes them feel safe and how to successfully achieve that feeling, while expressing themselves through group effort with the help of intrinsic motivation. This research also dealt with the importance of space and our surroundings in achieving security, or rather how certain aspects of spaces can invoke different levels of security and insecurity. Lastly this research wanted to take a peek into the mind of a child, allowing them complete freedom to build their own safe space during school hours and guided by advice from their teachers. |