Title Izrada replike skulpture "Bogorodica s Djetetom"
Author Luka Krešimir Stipić
Mentor Zvjezdana Jembrih (mentor)
Mentor Zvonimira Obad (komentor)
Committee member Alen Novoselec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Božičević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Domagoj Šatović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Academy of Fine Arts (Department of Conservation and Restoration) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts
Abstract Gotička skulptura „Bogorodica s Djetetom“ pripada kapeli sv. Jakova na Očuri, Gorjani Sutinski, u župi Presvetog Trojstva u Radoboju. Datira vjerojatno iz kraja 15. stoljeća. Nalazila se na glavnom oltaru kapele. U doba baroka smješta se na novi barokni glavni oltar, u njegovu središnju nišu, gdje je stajala do 1948. godine, kada je, zbog devastacije kapele, otpremljena u Zagreb i muzealizirana.
Povijest ove gotičke, barokizirane kapele nije nimalo laka. Ona i njezin inventar pretrpjeli su
... More razne devastacije i razaranja. Danas kapela broji oko dvadeset skulptura, nekoliko dijelova oltarne arhitekture i ornamenata, te dva slikana medaljona od cjelokupnog opsežnog inventara koji je izvorno imala. Taj preostali inventar nalazi se na raznim lokacijama. U tijeku su dugogodišnji konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi na arhitekturi kapele kao i na preostalom inventaru.
Odsjek za konzerviranje i restauriranje umjetnina Akademije likovnih umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu još od 2011. godine aktivno surađuje s Konzervatorskim odjelom u Krapini vezano za ovaj objekt. U okviru nastave, diplomskih radova i restauratorske prakse na fakultetu se odvijaju konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi na njezinom preostalom drvenom inventaru.
Na inicijativu i uz potporu Lady Jadranke Beresford Peirse, te u suradnji s Muzejom za umjetnost i obrt u Zagrebu, Konzervatorskim odjelom u Krapini, Zagrebačkom nadbiskupijom i Gradskim zavodom za zaštitu spomenika kulture i prirode grada Zagreba odlučeno je da će se u okviru dvaju diplomskih radova izvesti kopija izvorne gotičke skulpture „Bogorodica s Djetetom“ - najstarije i najvrjednije sačuvane skulpture ove kapele.
Prvi diplomski rad odnosi se na tesanje i rezbarenje kopije u drvu, a drugi na izvedbu njezine polikromacije.
Izvorna je skulptura danas pohranjena u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt u Zagrebu, ali je u vlasništvu Dijecezanskog muzeja Zagrebačke nadbiskupije.
Na izvornoj skulpturi vidljiv je „zub vremena“ jer je skulptura zajedno s kapelom pretrpjela razne devastacije. Također je vidljivo i nekoliko konzervatorsko-restauratorskih zahvata koji su izvedeni na skulpturi od kada je uklonjena iz kapele.
Nakon dobivanja rješenja korisnika, vlasnika i nadležnih konzervatorskih odjela iz Krapine i iz grada Zagreba za odobrenje početka izvedbe diplomskog rada, započeto je s radovima.
Izvornu skulpturu detaljno smo pregledali, istražili i dokumentirali, te zatim odlučili o tehnologiji i o metodama izrade kopije, kao i o granicama rekonstrukcije nedostajućih dijelova, dobro razmotrivši one dijelove koje će se rekonstruirati, kao i one koji se neće.
Glavni je cilj izrade kopije gotičke skulpture „Bogorodica s Djetetom“ vratiti kapeli skulpturu koja je stoljećima predstavljala središte pobožnosti i hodočašća. Izvorna skulptura zbog svoje vrijednosti i uvjeta pohrane ostaje u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt, kao jedna od najvrjednijih skulptura u stalnom postavu Zbirke sakralnog slikarstva i skulpture.
Kopija se, po dogovoru, planira vratiti na mjesto izvorne skulpture – u svetište kapele. Oltara više nema, ali je gotičko svetište obnovljeno. U kapeli u kojoj nije prekinuta liturgijska funkcija unatoč više od sedam desetljeća devastacija, kopija izvorne skulpture dopunit će liturgijski smisao kapele. Bit će ujedno svjedočanstvo i memorija te, snažni vizualni znak ovoga vrijednog sakralnog prostora.
Planira se povratak i preostalih dijelova baroknog inventara – izvornih baroknih skulptura na kojima su do sada izvedeni konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi.
Svi dosadašnji radovi na gotičkoj kapeli sv. Jakova na Očuri i na njezinom inventaru, uključujući i izradu kopije, nastojanja su za očuvanjem i oživljavanjem ovoga vrijednoga spomenika kulture, kao i primjer nade i spasa za kapelu i narod koji dolazi u nju. Less
Abstract (english) The gothic sculpture "Madonna with Child" belongs to the chapel of St. Jakov on Očuri, Gorjani Sutinski, in the parish of the Holy Trinity in Radoboj. It probably dates from the end of the 15th century. It was located on the main altar of the chapel. In the baroque era, the main altarpiece is located on the new baroque altar, in its central niche, where it stood until the devastation of the chapel in 1948.
The history of this gothic, baroque chapel is by no means easy. The gothic
... More sculpture "Madonna with Child" and here inventory suffered various devastations and destructions. Today, the chapel has about twenty sculptures, several pieces of altar architecture and ornaments, and two medallions from the extensive inventory it originally had. That remaining inventory is in various locations. Long-term conservation and restoration works are underway on the architecture of the chapel, but also on the remaining inventory.
The Department for Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, has been actively cooperating with the Conservation Department in Krapina since 2011 regarding this building. As part of teaching, master thesis and restoration practice at the faculty, conservation and restoration works are being carried out on its remaining wooden inventory.
At the initiative and with the support of Lady Jadranka Beresford Peirse, and cooperation with the Museum of Arts and Crafts, the Conservation Department in Krapina, the Zagreb Archdiocese and the City Institute for the Protection of Cultural and Natural Monuments of the City of Zagreb, it was decided to, in the span of two master thesis, copy of the original gothic sculpture "Madonna with Child" - the oldest and most valuably preserved sculptures of this chapel.
The first master thesis refers to her wood carving, and the second to the performance of her polychromy.
Today, the original sculpture is stored in the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb, but is owned by the Diocesan Museum of the Zagreb Archdiocese.
The timely destruction is visible on the original sculpture because the sculpture, together with the chapel, suffered various devastations. Also visible are several conservation and restoration works carried out on the sculpture since it was removed from the chapel
After the arrival of the decision of the owners, user's and the competent conservation departments from Krapina and the city of Zagreb to approve the beginning of the master thesis, the work began.
We examined, researched and documented the original sculpture in detail, and then decided on the technology and methods of making the copy, as well as the limits of reconstruction of the missing parts and considered those parts that will be reconstructed as well as those that will not.
The main goal of making a copy of the gothic sculpture "Madonna with Child" is to return to the chapel a sculpture that has been the center of piety and pilgrimage for centuries. The original sculpture, due to its value and storage conditions, remains in the Museum of Arts and Crafts, as one of the most valuable sculptures in the permanent exhibition of the Collection of Sacral Painting and Sculpture.
The copy returns by arrangement, to the place of the original sculpture - the sanctuary. The altar is gone, but the gothic sanctuary has been restored. In a chapel in which the liturgical function has not been interrupted despite more than seven decades of devastation, a copy of the original sculpture will complement the liturgical meaning of the chapel. It will be both a testimony and a memory, and a strong visual sign of this valuable sacral space.
It is planned to return the remaining parts of the baroque inventory - the original baroque sculptures on which conservation and restoration works have been performed so far.
All previous works on the gothic chapel of St. Jakov on Očuri and its inventory, including the making of the copy, are an effort to preserve and revive this valuable cultural monument, as well as an example of hope and salvation for the chapel and the people who come to it. Less
kapela sv. Jakova na Očuri
Bogorodica s Djetetom
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:215:316852
Study programme Title: Conservation and Restoration; specializations in: Painting, Sculpture Course: Painting Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra restauriranja i konzerviranja umjetnina (magistar/magistra restauriranja i konzerviranja umjetnina)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-01-08 13:17:21