Abstract | Drvena polikromirana skulptura lijevog anđela adoranta potječe iz župne crkve Našašća sv. Križa u Rasinji. Skulptura je smještena na glavnom oltaru, zajedno sa svojim parom, desnim anđelom adorantom, te je još uvijek u liturgijskoj funkciji. Obje skulpture datiraju iz 1827. godine i djelo su nepoznatog autora. Skulpture su, na Odsjek za konzerviranje i restauriranje umjetnina Akademije likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu, dopremljene 2018. godine kako bi na njima bili izvedeni potrebni konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi. Prije dopremanja u radionicu, skulpture su bile podvrgnute gama zračenju na Institutu Ruđer Bošković u Zagrebu. Nakon temeljitog pregleda i evidentiranja zatečenog stanja te uklanjanja površinske prljavštine, zaključeno je da se stanje skulptura ne može najbolje iščitati zbog debelog preslika koji ih je estetski degradirao. U praktičnom dijelu diplomskog rada, na skulpturi su izvedeni svi planirani konzervatorsko – restauratorski radovi: uklanjanje površinske prljavštine, podljepljivanje, konsolidiranje drvenog nosioca, uzimanje uzoraka za analize, izrada sondi, uklanjanje preslika, rekonstrukcije nedostajućih dijelova nosioca, nadoknade u svim stratigrafskim slojevima te završno zaštitno lakiranje. Izvedeni postupci popraćeni su detaljnom pisanom, grafičkom i fotografskom dokumentacijom. U drugom, teorijskom dijelu diplomskog rada, predočit će se istraživanja vezana uz odabir i usporedbu tradicionalne i suvremenih tehnologija pozlate na drvenim polikromiranim skulpturama. |
Abstract (english) | The wooden polychrome sculpture of the Left Angel Adorer originates from the parish church of The Holy Cross in Rasinja. The sculpture is located on the main altar, together with its par the right angel adorer, and is still in liturgical function. The sculpture comes paired with a Right Angel Adorer. Both sculptures date from 1827 and are the work of an unknown author. The sculptures were delivered to the Department for Conservation and Restoration of Artworks of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 2018 in order to perform the necessary conservation and restoration works. Before being delivered to the workshop, the sculptures were subjected to gamma radiation at the Ruđer Bošković Institute in Zagreb. After a thorough inspection and recording of the existing condition and the removal of surface dirt, it was concluded that the condition of the sculptures could not be best read due to the thick copy layer that aesthetically degraded them. In the practical part of the diploma work, all planned conservation and restoration works were performed on the sculpture: removal of surface dirt, gluing, consolidation of wooden beams, sampling for analysis, making probes, removal of copies, reconstructions of missing parts of beams, restorations in all stratigraphic layers protective varnishing. The performed procedures were accompanied by detailed written, graphic and photographic documentation. In the second, theoretical part of the thesis, research related to the selection and comparison of traditional and modern technologies of gilding on wooden polychrome sculptures will be presented. |