Abstract | Rad opisuje promjene u novim medijima te pojavu i razvoj društvenih mreža: primarno Instagrama te trenutno najbrže rastuće društvene mreže Tik Tok. Razvojem društvenih mreža došlo je i do pojave tzv. influencera – utjecajnih osoba koje promoviraju proizvode velikih brendova i prate ih tisuće, čak i milijuni ljudi na društvenim mrežama. Influenceri su prisutni gotovo u svim područjima – od mode, kozmetike, fitnessa pa sve do majčinstva, kuhanja i područja videoigri. Utjecajne osobe dijele se prema broju pratitelja, vrsti sadržaja koju objavljuju te platformama na kojima plasiraju svoj sadržaj, a svaka od kategorija detaljno je opisana u radu. Opisan je i povijesni razvoj influencera po čemu se da zaključiti kako su oni, u nekom obliku, postojali još i prije pojave društvenih mreža samo se nisu tako nazivali. U istraživačkom dijelu komparativnom metodom uspoređena su dva istraživanja: iz 2019. i iz 2022. godine u kojima je bio cilj, prema odgovorima na ista pitanja, utvrditi koliko su se stavovi glede praćenja influencera i povjerenja u sadržaj koji plasiraju mijenjala. Već sada je primjetno blago zasićenje tržišta, unatoč njihovoj sveprisutnosti i velikoj ulozi u kreiranju javnog mnijenja kao i trendova koje prepoznaju i prate milijuni ljudi. Glavno pitanje ovog rada također je i što će biti s influencerima u budućnosti, oko čega su mišljenja i dalje uvelike podijeljena, ali jedno je sigurno – još dugo će biti sveprisutni na društvenim mrežama i u svim oblicima novih medija. Povjerenje publike je najteže dostižna, ali i najvažnija stvar u tom, sad već prihvaćenom full-time zanimanju. U radu se govori i o promjenama u novim medijima pa je tako zaključeno kako se kroz godine sve više smanjuje broj ispitanika koji nikada ne čitaju papirnati oblik medija, isključivo elektronički. |
Abstract (english) | The paper describes the changes in new media and the development of social media: primarily Instagram and the currently fastest growing social network - Tik Tok. The development of social media led to the development of the so-called influencers - influential people who promote products of big brands and are followed by thousands, even millions of people on social networks. Influencers are present in almost all areas – from fashion, cosmetics, and fitness to motherhood, cooking, and the field of video games.Influential people are divided according to the number of followers, the type of content they publish, and the platforms on which they market their content, and each of the categories is described in the paper. The historical development of influencers is also described, by which we can conclude that they, in some form, existed even before social networks, but they just weren't called influencers. In the research part, two studies were compared using the comparative method: 2019 and 2022, in which the goal was, according to the answers to the same questions, to determine how much the attitudes regarding influencer monitoring and trust in the content that is being marketed have changed. It is already noticeable that the market is slightly saturated, despite their ubiquity and great role in creating public opinion as well as trends that are recognized and followed by millions of people. The main question of this paper also researches what will happen to the influences in the future, about which opinions are still largely divided, but one thing is certain - they will continue their popular work in all forms of new media for a long time. However, the audience's trust is still the most difficult achievable, yet the most important thing in influencing – which is now fully accepted as a full-time job. Also, the paper talks about changes in new media, so it was concluded that the number of people who never read paper forms of media, only electronic ones, is decreasing more and more throughout years. |