Title Prikaz žene u glazbi
Title (english) Portrayal of women in music
Author Lucija Mijatović
Mentor Darija Kuharić (mentor)
Committee member Hrvoje Mesić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Darija Kuharić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Tolušić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2023-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Abstract Ovaj akademski rad temelji se na analizi prikaza žena u glazbi tijekom povijesti, istražujući kako su žene predstavljene u glazbenim stvarima, uključujući stihove pjesama i njihove video spotove. Glazba je neodvojivi dio ljudske kulture od samih njenih početaka, iako se prvi pisani tragovi o glazbi datiraju iz četrnaestog stoljeća prije Krista. Dokazi o prisustvu žena u glazbenoj povijesti prate nas unatrag tisućama godina, s početkom u drevnom Egiptu. Rad se temelji na prikazu žena u glazbi putem stihova i vizualnih elemenata umjetničkih djela. Povijest glazbe, koja seže unatrag tisućama godina, počela je vjerojatno s ljudskim glasom kao prvobitnim glazbenim instrumentom, no arheolozi su također otkrili primitivne instrumente, poput flauta, koji datiraju unatrag više od 35.000 godina. Neki istraživači čak tvrde da su neki arheološki nalazi stariji od neandertalaca, ukazujući na to da je ljudska vrsta otkrila glazbu mnogo ranije nego što se prethodno smatralo. Tijekom povijesti su žene pronašle svoje mjesto u svijetu glazbe, a prva značajna figura bila je Hildegard von Bingen u srednjem vijeku. Mnoge od njih su koristile pseudonime ili inicijale kako bi prikrile svoj identitet, što dodatno naglašava izazove s kojima su se suočavale. Unatoč brojnim tragovima koje su žene ostavile u povijesti glazbe, ovaj se rad se primarno fokusira na analizu prikaza žena putem stihova pjesama i video spotova. Analizom najpoznatijih pjesama različitih desetljeća, istražuje se kako se žene opisivalo u stihovima te kako su se njihovi prikazi mijenjali tijekom vremena. U radu se također istražuju različiti žanrovi glazbe i njihov pristup prikazu žena, s naglaskom na razlike i sličnosti u prikazima ženskog lika. Osim toga, u radu se progovora o ulogama žena u glazbenoj industriji te kako njihov prikaz utječe na društvo. U svrhu bolje razumjevanja uloge žene u glazbi kroz povijest i percepcija ženskoga spola, provedeno je anketno ispitivanje na uzorku od devedeset osoba.
Abstract (english) This academic paper is based on the analysis of the representation of women in music throughout history, examining how women have been portrayed in musical works, including song lyrics and their music videos. Music has been an inseparable part of human culture since its very beginnings, although the first written records of music date back to the 14th century BC. Evidence of the presence of women in the history of music accompanies us back thousands of years, starting with ancient Egypt. The paper focuses on the portrayal of women in music through lyrics and visual elements of artistic works. The history of music, spanning thousands of years, likely began with the human voice as the original musical instrument. However, archaeologists have also unearthed primitive instruments such as flutes dating back over 35,000 years. Some researchers even argue that certain archaeological findings predate the Neanderthals, indicating that the human species discovered music much earlier than previously believed. Throughout history, women have found their place in the world of music, with the first significant figure being Hildegard von Bingen in the Middle Ages. Many of them used pseudonyms or initials to conceal their identities, further highlighting the challenges they faced. Despite the numerous traces that women have left in the history of music, this paper primarily focuses on the analysis of the portrayal of women through song lyrics and music videos. Through an analysis of the most famous songs from different decades, it explores how women have been described in lyrics and how these portrayals have evolved over time. The paper also investigates various music genres and their approach to representing women, with an emphasis on differences and similarities in the depiction of female characters. Additionally, the paper delves into the roles of women in the music industry and how their portrayal impacts society. In order to better understand the role of women in music throughout history and the perception of the female gender, a survey was conducted with a sample of ninety individuals.
prikaz žene
video spot
Keywords (english)
portrayal of women
music videos
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:251:464944
Study programme Title: MA in Media and Public Relations (double major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistrica medija i odnosa s javnošću (magistar/magistrica medija i odnosa s javnošću)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-11-13 11:13:13