Abstract | Marketing u današnjem svijetu je izuzetno bitna djelatnost te je u stalnoj konkurenciji koja tvrtka će imati bolji marketing. Često obični ljudi misle da to natjecanje u marketingu samo bespotrebno podiže cijenu proizvoda ili usluge i misle da je marketinški cilj samo prodati proizvod tvrtke, što nije istina. Marketing ako je uspješan, će podmiriti svoje troškove dodatnom proizvodnjom, jer što je veća proizvodnja manji su troškovi masovne proizvodnje. Bitno je reći da mišljenja ljudi da je marketing samo prodaja pogrešna jer je u cilju zadovoljiti potrebe potrošača pružajući određenu kvalitetu, a ono što oni misle se naziva reklamom. U modernom dobu prevladava internet kao tržište i tu se javlja pojam e-marketinga koji mora dodatno izučavati svaki detalj o potrebama kupaca te shvatiti kako biti bolji od konkurencije jer su informacije na dohvat ruke svakom čovjeku putem interneta. Kako utjecati na nekog čovjeka je dobro pitanje koji svaki marketinški stručnjak si postavlja, a to često ovisi o raznim faktorima i okolini u kojoj taj čovjek živi (položaj u društvu, utjecaj roditelja, prijatelja, okoline i slično) te prije nego li se počne osmišljavati proizvod, treba se detaljno istražiti koju ciljnu skupinu odabrati i hoće li taj proizvod njima biti koristan. Nakon istraživanja potrebno je oglašavati proizvod na način koji će odabrana ciljana skupina primijetiti. Pored samog sadržaja oglasa, izuzetno je bitno odabrati dobar medij za oglašavanje, radio, televizija, novine, pošta, internet, sve ovisno o našim resursima i naravno ciljnoj skupini. Telekomunikacijske tvrtke u Hrvatskoj prate nove trendove marketinga te su direktno vidljivi elementi iz teorije. Za primjer su odabrane sljedeće tvrtke: Hrvatski Telekom, Optima Telekom, Tele2 i Simpa. Svaka tvrtka je koristila određene elemente marketinga poput prepoznatljivih boja, šaljivih ili, lako pamtljivih slogana, prilagođavanje oglasa određenoj skupini, prikazivanje prednosti u odnosu na konkurenciju te stvaranje likova. Svi spomenuti elementi se podvuku u podsvijest te se tako može raspoznati da je od strane marketinških aktivnosti napravljen dobar posao. Također se provelo istraživanje koje će potvrditi da marketinški napori rezultiraju većem uspjehu tvrtke. |
Abstract (english) | Marketing in present time is exceptionally important activity, and it is in constant competition which company will have better marketing tactics. Usually common people think that competition in marketing is unnecessarily increasing the price of products, or services, and they think that marketing goals are to only sell the product of the company, which is not true. Marketing, if successful, will balance its costs with additional production, because the more production there is, the lesser are the costs to mass produce. It is important to note that people think marketing exists just to sell, which is false, because the goals are to satisfy the needs of customers, while the products are of good quality, and what are they thinking of is just an ad. In modern age internet is prevailing as a marketplace, and with the term e-marketing making an appearance which needs to additionally study every detail about the needs of the customers, and to understand how to be better that the competition, because all information is within grasp of all people just by using internet. How to affect someone is a good question that every marketer asks himself, and that usually depends on numerous elements and the surroundings in which the man lives in (class, affection of parents, friends, surroundings and others), and before he starts coming up with the product, he needs to investigate in details which target group will he be hitting, and will that product be of use to them. After the research the product needs to be advertised in the way which the target group will notice it. Next to the actual content of the ad, it is extremely important to choose the right media to advertise on, those include radio, television, papers, mail, internet, it all depends on the resources that are on our disposal, and target audience as well. Telecommunication companies in Croatia are following new trends of marketing, and are directly visible from the elements of the theory. For the research were taken next companies: HR Telekom, Optima Telekom, Tele2 and Simpa. Every company used specific elements of marketing, for example: easily recognizable colors, amusing, or easily memorable catch phrases, adjusting ads to certain target groups, openly showing advantages in comparison to competition, and creating characters. All these elements are plunged into our subconscious, and then we know that the marketing experts did their job right. Research has also been conducted to confirm that marketing efforts result in greater company success. |