Abstract | Diplomski rad pod nazivom Nemogućnost i uspomena sastoji se od drvene makete i nacrta idejnog rješenja zamišljene verzije. Rad iznosi ideju transformacije objekta iz neumjetničkoga konteksta u umjetnički te autoričinu osobnu transformaciju kroz proces izrade rada od začetka ideje do zadnje faze realizacije iste. Glavni elementi rada ujedno su i dijelovi strukture koncepta kojeg čine faze transformacije, počevši od pojmova kao što su smrt i groblje, nadgrobni spomenik i spomenička skulptura i na koncu transformacija. Naziv rada je podređen ideji koja se kroz rad provlači kao vertikala između početne svijesti o nemogućnosti djelovanja do konačne težnje usmjerene na uspomenu kao iskaz počasti i zahvale. Tim odnosom rad dobiva dimenziju vertikale koja se produžava kroz život, a traje i nakon smrti. Spomeničkom skulpturom, u formi nadgrobnog spomenika, nastoji se potaknuti na promišljanje o transformaciji. U radu Nemogućnost i uspomena autorica se suočava s transformacijom prikazujući vlastitu borbu i strah tijekom procesa izrade rada od ideje do konačne izvedbe. Rad ukazuje na fleksibilnost i rastezljivost pojma transformacija u svrhu poticanja promatrača na promišljanje o istom, u kontekstu ideje rada i šire. |
Abstract (english) | The graduate thesis titled "Impossibility and Memory" is a monumental sculpture performed as a tombstone, consisting of a wooden model and a conceptual solution in marble. The model consists of seven wooden black and white panels, while the conceptual design would include an enlarged model of seven marble black and white panels. The artwork presents an idea of transforming the object from non-artistic to an artistic context, but also the author's own transformation through the process of making artwork, from the beginning of the idea to the last stage of realization. The main elements of the work are also parts of the structure of the concept consisting of stages of transformation, starting with terms such as death and cemetery, tombstone and monument sculpture, and finally transformation. The name of the work itself is subordinate to the idea that runs through the work as a vertical between the initial awareness of the inability to act, to the final aspiration aimed at memory as a statement of tribute and thanks. With this relationship, the work acquires a vertical dimension that is prolonged throughout life, and lasts behind death. The monumental sculpture, in the form of a tombstone, seeks to encourage reflection on transformation. Through the work "Impossibility and Memory", the author faces the same, through her own struggle and fear and through the process of making work from idea to final performance. The artwork points to the flexibility and expansibility of the concept of transformation in order to encourage observers to think about it, in the context of the idea of work and beyond. With her master's thesis, the author opens the space for reflection on transformation, the tombstone and finally whether it can be turned into a work of art. |