Abstract | U ovom diplomskom radu naglasak je stavljen na fotografiju. Na vizualno, ono što prvo oko sebe uočavamo i s čim se najlakše poistovjećujemo. Fotografiraju svi, pogotovo danas, kad smo svi zarobljeni u medijskom prostoru kao ni jedna generacija prije nas. Fotografi su uglavnom nevidljivi, nečujni, ne guraju se u prvi plan. Važno je samo koju poruku će poslati, koliko će slika biti viđena i upamćena. Dok su druge vrste umjetnosti naklonjene određenim vrstama ljudi, fotografija se nudi svima. Ne kaže se slučajno da slika govori više od tisuću riječi. Erio Piccagliani svojom je vizijom operne umjetnosti prenio u domove širom svijeta djeliće atmosfere koja se mogla osjetiti u velebnom i povijesno uvijek važnom opernom Teatru alla Scala, tom divnom i veličanstvenom hramu glazbe, pokreta i glasa. Kroz njegov su objektiv mnogi ljudi spoznali i osjetili kakav je moćan i veličanstven trenutak kada sopranistica poput Marije Callas pusti svoj glas da se bori i suočava s emocijama, da taj glas ispriča priču koje nas razoružava, puni i hrabri, tjera na suze i smijeh. Tijekom svoje tridesetogodišnje karijere u Scali, uslikao je toliko života koji se odigrao na pozornici i izvan nje, toliko su njegove fotografije priča ispričale da mu moramo biti vječno zahvalni. Mogli bismo reći da mu je Maria Callas bila muza, La Divina u pravom smislu te riječi. Pratio je čitav njezin razvoj - prvo je bila Maria pa La Callas da bi ostala upamćena kao La Divina. Pratio je njezinu fizičku transformaciju u kojoj se iz krupne priproste djevojke preobrazila u novu Audrey Hepburn, slatku i krhku ženu koja u toj svojoj krhkosti krije veliku moć i seksepil. Bilježio je sve promjene koje su se događale i s vremenom i s prostorom, baš kao i promjene samih aktera, samih umjetnika. Svaka umjetnost prirodno teži promjenama, baš kao i stalnom vraćanju istome. Glavni rezultat rada je prikaz operne vokalne umjetnice i umjetničkih fotografija fotografa Erija Piccaglianija, koje svjedoče o djelovanju umjetnice te služe u promociji iste u vremenskom razdoblju od 1950. do 1960. Dubinski intervju s redateljem Giancarlom del Monacom potvrđuje hipoteze postavljene u radu. Metoda analize jedna je od glavnih metoda istraživanja, uz induktivnu i deduktivnu metodu, metodu analize i sinteze, komparativnu metoda, metodu dokazivanja i opovrgavanja te metodu intervjuiranja. |
Abstract (english) | In this thesis, the emphasis is on the picture. On the visual, what we first notice around us and what we most easily identify with. Everyone takes photos, especially today, when we are all trapped in the media space like no generation before us. Photographers are mostly invisible and do not push themselves to the forefront. All that matters is what message it will send, how many images will be seen and remembered. While other types of art favor certain types of people, photography is offered to everyone. It is no coincidence that a picture speaks more than a thousand words. One single photograph, for the one who knows how to look, tells the whole story, reveals to him hidden worlds about which he knew nothing before. With his vision of opera, Erio Piccagliani brought to homes around the world fragments of the atmosphere that could be felt in the magnificent and historically important opera house Teatro alla Scala, this wonderful and magnificent temple of music, movement and voice. Through his lens, many people have come to know and feel what a powerful and magnificent moment it is when a soprano like Maria Callas lets her voice fight and face emotions, that voice tells a story that disarms us, fills and encourages, brings tears and laughter. During his thirty-year career at La Scala, he painted so many lives that took place on and off the stage, so many of his pictures of stories told that we must be eternally grateful to him. We could say that Maria Callas was his muse, La divina in the true sense of the word. He followed Maria-La Callas-La Divina entire development. He followed her physical transformation in which she transformed from a big simple girl into a new Audrey Hepburn, a sweet and fragile woman who hides great power and sex appeal in her fragility. He recorded all the changes that took place with time and space, as well as the changes of the actors themselves, the artists themselves. Every art naturally strives for change, just like a constant return to it. The main result of the work is the presentation work of the opera vocal artist and artistic photographs of the photographer Erio Piccagliani, which testify to the artist's work and serve in its promotion, in the period from 1950 to 1960. An in-depth interview with director Giancarlo del Monaco confirms the hypotheses set out in the paper. The method of analysis is one of the main research methods, along with the inductive and deductive methods, the method of analysis and synthesis, the comparative method, the method of proving and refuting, and the method of interviewing. |