Abstract | Tema globalne konkurentnosti u literaturi još uvijek nije dovoljno istražena. Ona se može promatrati s nekoliko aspekata, kao nacionalna konkurentnost, konkurentnost industrije ili konkurentnost pojedinog poduzeća. Ovaj rad usmjeren je na postizanje konkurentnosti poduzeća na globalnim tržištima s ciljem identificiranja strategija i alata koje mu u tome pomažu. Općenito, konkurentske prednosti se odnose na proizvodnju proizvoda, isporuku usluga ili korištenje proizvodnih procesa na način bolji od onog koji koristi konkurencija. Da bi to postiglo, poduzeće mora poduzeti čitav niz predradnji. To je u prvom redu stareška analiza tržišta. Nakon što ustanovi koje su njegove prednosti i slabosti te identificira prilike i prijetnje koje dolaze iz njegovog okruženja ono kreira poslovnu strategiju koja mu najbolje odgovara i koja će mu osigurati održive konkurentske prednosti. Međutim, za dostizanje globalne konkurentnosti potrebno je odvojiti i brojnim drugim zahtjevima. Poduzeće mora primjenjivati nova tehnološka rješenja, ulagati u istraživanje i razvoj, poticati razvoj kompetencija kod zaposlenog osoblja i biti u stalnoj potrazi za inovativnim rješenjima jer upravo inovacije su ključ konkurentnosti. U ovom radu provedena je kratka analiza konkurentnosti poduzeća Rimac Automobili temeljem Porterovog modela pet konkurentskih sila. Ustanovljeno je kako je ovo poduzeće svoju konkurentsku prednost osiguralo upravo dobrom kombinacijom poslovne strategije, inovativnosti i tehnologije. Obzirom da je usmjereno na uski segment potrošača, ne ovisi o dobavljačima i na tržište plasira visokokvalitetne proizvode, i uz postojeću konkurenciju još uvijek ima mjesta za daljnji razvoj i poboljšanje svoje tržišne pozicije. U tome bi mu mogao pomoći i najnoviji proizvod koji je 2021. godine plasiran na tržište, električni automobil Nevera čije performanse nadmašuju sve do sada istaknute rekorde u automobilskoj industriji. |
Abstract (english) | Global competitiveness as a subject, in the literature has not yet been sufficiently explored. It can be viewed from several aspects, such as national competitiveness, industry competitiveness or individual company competitiveness. This thesis aims to achieve the competitiveness of companies in global markets with the aim of identifying strategies and tools that help it in this. In general, competitive advantages relate to the production of products, the delivery of services or the use of production processes in a way better than that is used by the competition. To achieve this, the company must undertake a series of preliminary works. First, it must make a strategic analysis of the market. Once company identifies its strengths and weaknesses and identifies opportunities and threats that come from its environment, it can create a business strategy that suits best fo the company and that will provide it with sustainable competitive advantages. However, in order to achieve global competitiveness, it is necessary to meet a number of other requirements. The company must apply new technological solutions, invest in research and development, encourage the development of competencies in the staff and be in constant search for innovative solutions because innovation is the key to competitiveness. In this thesis, a brief analysis of the competitiveness of Rimac Automobili was conducted based on Porter's model of five competing forces. It was found that this company has secured its competitive advantage with a good combination of business strategy, innovation and technology. As it supplies a narrow segment of consumers, it does not depend on suppliers and places high-quality products on the market, and with the existing competition there is still room for further development and improvement of its market position. The latest product that was placed on the market in 2021, the electric car Nevera, whose performance surpasses all previous records in the automotive industry, could also help company with that. |