Title Mrežni protokoli - TCP/IP : Stručni završni rad
Title (english) Network protocols - TCP/IP
Author Pero Bogunović
Mentor Vladimir Šimović (mentor)
Committee member Alisa Bilal Zorić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter The University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprešić (Chair of Information and Communication Sciences ) Zaprešić
Defense date and country 2022-06-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Information Systems and Information Science
Abstract Na samom početku govorimo o povijesnom razvoju mrežnog protokola, njegovom značenju I nastanku kao i o uvjetima te podijeli i nadogradnji u TCP/IP. Mrežni sloj je sloj koji se bavi prijenosom podataka iz prijenosnog sloja stranica, uspostave i prekida veze. Transportni sloj vodi računa o paketima koji putuju između dva računala. Prezentacijski sloj ima funkciju da se traži opće rješenje, odnosno rad korisnika samostalno.Što se tiče aplikacijskog sloja, takav sloj je sloj OSI modela
... More najbliži korisniku pružajući mrežne usluge korisničkim aplikacijama. Fizički sloj jedan je od najnižih slojeva modela koji obavlja prenošenje bitova. Podatkovni sloj brine se za razmjenu podataka između mrežnih uređaja. Sloj sesije bavi se uspostavom veze između krajnjih korisnika. Internet je javno dostupna globalna podatkovna mreža koja povezuje računala i računalne mreže. Temelji se na podjeli između dva računala na mreži. Uloga korisnika (client), gdje korisnik uvijek počinje komunikaciju s poslužiteljem. Uloga poslužitelja (server) koji na zahtjev korisnika obavlja neki zadatak. Računalna mreža ima funkciju posrednika i služi za povezivanje poslužitelja i korisnika. Razvijen je u dvije verzije: IPv4 protokol i IPv6 protokol. Kod IPv4 protokola usmjeravanje se odvija temeljem IP adrese, dok se kod IPv6 protokola prije samog korištenja usmjeravanja, provjerava baza za prosljeđivanje informacija, kako bi se tražila potvrda o odredišnoj adresi. Besklasno adresiranje omogućuje učinkovitije dodjeljivanje IP adresa. Klasično adresiranje IP adrese je podijeljeno u pet glavnih klasa (klasa A, B, C, D i E). Što se tiče mrežne maske, za nju kažemo da je 32-bitni binarni broj koji kaže koje bitove adrese treba promatrati kao bitove adrese mreže. Što se tiče same isporuke datagrama, ona se definira na način kako se datagrami, po kontrolom mrežnog sloja, tretiraju i prenose unutar jedne mreže dok se prosljeđivanjem isporučuju slijedećem ruteru, kada datagram prolazi kroz više mreža. Kod faze rutiranja kreiraju se tablice rutiranja. Less
Abstract (english) At the wery beginning we talk about the historical development of the network protocol, its meaning and emergence as well as the conditions and the division and upgrade in TCP/IP. The network layer is a layer that deals with the transfer of data from the transfer layer of pages, the establishment and disconnection. The transport layer takes care of the packages that travel between the two computers. The presentation layer has the function to search for a general solution, that is
... More the work of the user independently. As for the application layer, such a layer of OSI models is closest to the user providing online services to the user applications. The physical layer is one of the lowest layers of the model that performs bit transfer. The data layer takes care of the data exchange between network devices. The session layer is about establishing a connection between end users. The Internet is a publicly available global data network that connects computers and computer networks. It is based on the division between two computers on network. The role of the user (client), where the user always begins to communicate with the user. The role of a server that performs a task at the user’s request. The computer network has the function of an intermediary and serves to connect servers and users. It was developed in two versions: the IPv4 protocol and IPv6 protocol. With the IPv4 protocol, routing takes place based on the IP address, while with the IPv6 protocol before the routing is used, the database for forwarding information, in order to request confirmation of the destination address.e provision of IP addresses. The classic addressing of the IP address is divided into five main classes (class A, B, C, D and E). as for the network mask, we say that it is a 32-bit binary number that says which bits of the address should be viewed as bits of the network address. As for the delivery of the datagram itself, it is defined in the way that datagrams, by the control of the network layer, are treated and transmitted within one network while being forwarded to the next router, when the datagram passes through multiple networks. For the routing phase, routing tables are created. Less
IP adresa i mreže
Keywords (english)
IP address and networks
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:129:799676
Study programme Title: Information Technologies - Undergraduate Professional Study Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) informacijskih tehnologija (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) informacijskih tehnologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-03-24 14:13:42