Title Odmori radnika s naglaskom na godišnji odmor : Stručni završni rad
Title (english) Rest period of workers with an emphasis on annual leave
Author Matej Stankić
Mentor Ninoslav Gregurić-Bajza (mentor)
Committee member Milorad Ćupurdija (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter The University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprešić (Chair of Law and General Courses) Zaprešić
Defense date and country 2023-03-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Labor and Social Law
Abstract Individualni radni odnos između konkretnog radnika i konkretnog poslodavca, dragovoljni je pravni odnos zasnovan između toga radnika i poslodavca kojim su obje strane preuzele određena prava i/ili određene obveze. Jedna od obveza poslodavca iz radnog odnosa je rasporediti radnikovo radno vrijeme na način da radniku omogući na odmor tijekom rada i tijekom trajanja radnog odnosa. Suprotno tome, jedno od prava radnika iz radnog odnosa je i njegovo pravo na odmor tijekom rada i tijekom trajanja radnog odnosa. Odmori su temeljna prava svakog radnika, zajamčena međunarodnim i nacionalnim pravom. Odmore, obzirom na vremenska razdoblja unutar kojih ih radnici ostvaruju, dijelimo na: Stanka - odmor kojeg radnik koristi unutar jednog dana, Dnevni odmor - odmor kojeg radnik koristi između dva radna dana, Tjedni odmor - odmor kojeg radnik koristi nakon određenog broja radnih dana, Godišnji odmor – odmor koji radnik koristi nakon određenog broja mjeseci. Stanku kao odmor u tijeku radnog dana, ima svaki radnik koji provede minimalno šest sati na radnom mjestu dnevno. Iznimno, ako je radnik maloljetan, prava na stanku ima nakon četiri i pol sata. Stanka se računa u radno vrijeme i iznosi trideset minuta. Radnik ima pravo na odmor od dvanaest sati dnevno neprekidno unutar dvadeset i četiri sata i taj odmor nazivamo dnevni odmor radnika. Iznimka od dvanaestosatnog odmora je kod sezonskih radnika iznimno kada taj odmor može iznositi i osam sati. Svaki tjedan radnik ima pravo na tjedni odmor, odnosno odmor u trajanju od najmanje dvadeset i četiri sata, a koji će koristiti nedjeljom ili dan koji prethodi nedjelji ili slijedi iza nje. Tjedni odmor kod maloljetnika mora iznositi četrdeset osam sati. Za svaku kalendarsku godinu radnik ima pravo na plaćeni godišnji odmor i to u trajanju od najmanje četiri tjedna, dok kod maloljetnika i radnika na određenim poslovima na kojima radnika nije moguće zaštiti od štetnih utjecaja taj odmor iznosi pet tjedana. Radnik se ne može odreći ovog prava sporazumom, može ga koristiti u dijelovima, dio može prenijeti u sljedeću kalendarsku godinu, a raspored korištenja godišnjeg odmora utvrđuje poslodavac.
Abstract (english) An individual employment relationship between a concrete worker and a concrete employer is a voluntary legal relationship based between that worker and the employer by which both parties assumed certain rights and/or certain obligations. One of the employer's obligations from the employment relationship is to distribute the employee's working hours in such a way as to allow the employee to take a break during work and during the duration of the employment relationship. On the contrary, one of the rights from the employment relationship is his right to rest during work and during the duration of the employment relationship. The availability of rest is a fundamental right of every worker, enshrined by international and national law. According to the duration of rest available to the worker, we can separate the types of rest into the following categories: Break–rest the worker is entitled to within a single day, Daily rest–rest the worker is entitled to between two workdays, Weekly rest–rest the worker is entitled to after a certain number of workdays, Annual leave – rest the worker is entitled to after a certain number of months of work. Every worker who spends a minimum of 6 hours of work during the working day is entitled to a break period. Additionally, if the worker is of younger-than-legal age, the break period is available following no more than 4 hours and 30 minutes of work. The break is considered as part of the workday and is included in the paid period of work. The worker is entitled to a daily rest consisting of a continuous 12-hour rest period within a single 24-hour day. However, the 12 hours may be reduced for seasonal workers, who may instead have an 8-hour rest. The worker is entitled to a weekly rest once per week, consisting of a rest of at least 24 hours, which is to be used on Sunday or the day before or following Sunday. The weekly rest may be no shorter than 48 hours for workers of younger-than-legal age. The worker is entitled to paid annual leave of at least 4 weeks during every calendar year. For workers of younger-than-legal age and jobs for which it is not possible to protect the worker against harmful effects, the aforementioned rest may be 5 weeks long. The worker is not allowed to renounce this right via settlement. The worker may use the rest in separate installments and may transfer it into the following year. The employer defines the distribution schedule of the rest period.
dnevni odmor
tjedni odmor
godišnji odmor
Keywords (english)
daily rest
weekly rest
annual leave
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:129:854227
Study programme Title: Business Administration, Undergraduate Professional Study Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-06-07 09:21:25