Abstract | Ovaj završni rad se bavi analizom primjene kriptovaluta u Republici Hrvatskoj. Kriptovalute su digitalne valute koje koriste kriptografske tehnike za osiguranje transakcija i kontrolu stvaranja novih jedinica valute. U posljednje vrijeme svjedoci smo sve većeg prihvaćanja kriptovaluta, ali naša financijska pismenost je mnogo slabija od informatičke pa smo stoga izloženi golemom riziku ulaganja u virtualne valute. Osim o standardnim temama poput onih o ispitima i izlascima, studenti i srednjoškolci sve više raspravljaju o kriptovalutama. Njihova popularnost u svijetu nije upitna, što možemo zaključiti iz činjenice da je država Salvador uvela bitcoin kao službenu valutu, a i sve više trgovina u svijetu, pa čak i u Hrvatskoj, prihvaća plaćanje digitalnim novcem. To je razlog zašto su kriptovalute izabrane za temu ovog rada. Rad istražuje trenutno stanje primjene kriptovaluta u Hrvatskoj, uključujući prihvaćanje kriptovaluta kao sredstva plaćanja. Kako bi tema bila jasno predstavljena, koristit će se metode komparacije, sinteze, analize, konkretizacije, generalizacije i indukcije te metoda deskripcije. Tako će se uvodom rada uvesti u temu, a potom predstaviti neke digitalne valute. Definirat će se pojam valute i kriptovalute, objasnit će se kako nastaje, njena povijest, pojasnit će se pojam kriptonovčanika i pojam rudarenja, te će se identificirati rizici ulaganja. Nadalje će se pojasniti prednosti i izazovi kriptovaluta kao alternative tradicionalnim valutama., te njihova primjena u Hrvatskoj. Glavne ideje i ključne misli bit će sintetizirani u zaključku. |
Abstract (english) | This final thesis focuses on the analysis of cryptocurrency usage in the Republic of Croatia. Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that utilize cryptographic techniques to secure transactions and control the creation of new units of currency. Recently, we have witnessed an increasing acceptance of cryptocurrencies, but our financial literacy lags far behind our computer literacy, exposing us to significant risks when investing in virtual currencies. In addition to conventional topics such as exams and outings, students and high schoolers are increasingly discussing cryptocurrencies. Their global popularity is undeniable, as evidenced by the fact that the country of El Salvador has adopted Bitcoin as its official currency, and an increasing number of businesses worldwide, including Croatia, accept digital currency payments. This is why cryptocurrencies have been chosen as the topic of this thesis. The thesis explores the current state of cryptocurrency implementation in Croatia, including the acceptance of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment. To clearly present the topic, methods such as comparison, synthesis, analysis, concretization, generalization, induction, and description will be employed. The introduction will provide an overview of the topic, followed by an introduction to various digital currencies. The concept of currency and cryptocurrencies will be defined, along with an explanation of their creation, history, the concept of cryptocurrency wallets, mining, and the identification of investment risks. Furthermore, the advantages and challenges of cryptocurrencies as an alternative to traditional currencies will be elucidated, as well as their application in Croatia. The main ideas and key thoughts will be synthesized in the conclusion. |