Title Uloga imidža poslodavca kod zapošljavanja i odabira poslodavca
Author Paula Helena Martinović
Mentor Božo Skoko (mentor)
Granter Edward Bernays University of Applied Sciences (Department of Public Relations) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-05-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Public Relations
Abstract Brendiranje poslodavca je izgradnja vlastitog brenda neke tvrtke u svrhu privlačenja najboljeg kadra zaposlenika i zadržavanja već postojećeg kadra, jer brend je ono to ujedinjuje zaposlenike i kompaniju, stvara veću povezanost i povećava ugled kompanije. Ovo je danas aktualna tema na kojoj veliki broj stručnjaka radi te izvještava o njezinoj važnosti, stoga je ona postala glavni predmet ovog istraživanja. Glavni problem cijelog istraživanja je bio ispitati koliko je ulaganje u brendiranje
... More poslodavca tvrtke važno za odabir tvrtke kao poželjnog poslodavca. Također je problem ispitati upoznatost osoba koje su zaposlene ili nezaposlene s pojmom brendiranja poslodavca te točnost korištenja brendiranja poslodavca strategija Hrvatskoj na primjeru tvrtke koja je ocijenjena kao najpoželjniji hrvatski i strani poslodavac u 2019. godini. Korištene su četiri metode ispitivanja: metoda ankete, metoda analize sadržaja, metoda intervjua te fokus grupe. U ispitivanju su sudjelovali ispitanici u dobi od 18 do 55 godina, koji u radno sposobni, bez obzira jesu li trenutno zaposleni ili nezaposleni. Pomoću svih korištenih metoda donosi se zaključak kako je hrvatska javnost upoznata s terminom brendiranja poslodavca, ali ga ponekad ne prepoznaju pod stručnim terminom. Ispitanici smatraju kako je brendiranje poslodavca važno za predstavljanje poslodavca, ali on zbog uvjeta na tržištu trenutno ne predstavlja najvažniju ulogu u odabiru poslodavca, čime je djelomično potvrđen prvi glavni problem istraživanja. Jedan od najpoželjnijih poslodavaca u hrvatskoj ne koristi adekvatne strategije brendiranja poslodavca, zato što je izgradio brend tvrtke i bavi se specifičnim područjem, međutim u budućnosti, kada se pojavi adekvatna konkurencija, ova strategija će morati biti promijenjena. Na osnovu ovih rezultata se može zaključiti kako je budućim posloprimcima ili potencijalnim kandidatima važna slika tvrtke u medijima. Ovakvi rezultati mogu biti važni svim tvrtkama koje još uvijek nisu osvijestile važnost predstavljanja u medijima. Naime, nisu samo kandidati na razgovorima za posao ti koji sebe predstavljaju, već je prvi korak dobro predstavljanje tvrtke, kako bi uopće privukla dobre i kvalitetne kandidate. Less
Abstract (english) Employer Branding is building a company's own brand in order to attract the best staff and retain existing staff, because the brand is what unites employees and the company, creates greater connectivity and increases the company's reputation. This is a current topic on which a large number of experts work and report on its importance, so it has become the main subject of this research. The main problem of the whole research was to examine how important investing in an Employer branding
... More company is for choosing a company as a desirable employer. It is also a problem to examine the familiarity of persons who are employed or unemployed with the concept of Employer branding and the accuracy of using Employer branding strategies in Croatia on the example of a company rated as the most desirable Croatian and foreign employer in 2019. Four survey methods were used: survey method, content analysis method, interview method and focus group. The study involved respondents aged 18 to 55, who are able to work, regardless of whether they are currently employed or unemployed. Using all the methods used, it is concluded that the Croatian public is familiar with the term Employer Branding, but sometimes they do not recognize it as a professional term. Respondents believe that Employer Branding is important for employer representation, but due to market conditions it does not currently play the most important role in employer selection, thus partially confirming the first major research problem. One of the most desirable employers in Croatia does not use adequate Employer Branding strategies, because it has built a company brand and deals with a specific area, but in the future, when adequate competition appears, this strategy will have to be changed. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the image of the company in the media is important to future employees or potential candidates. Such results can be important to all companies that have not yet realized the importance of media representation. Namely, it is not only the candidates for job interviews who represent themselves, but the first step is a good presentation of the company, in order to attract good and quality candidates in general. Less
strategija brendiranja poslodavca
Keywords (english)
employer branding strategy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:233:604963
Study programme Title: Public Relations Management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni specijalist odnosa s javnošću (stručni specijalist odnosa s javnošću)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-12-31 17:35:01