Title Psorijaza - patogeneza i liječenje
Title (english) Psoriasis - pathogenesis and treatment
Author Tena Jalšovec
Mentor Miranda Mladinić Pejatović (mentor)
Committee member Miranda Mladinić Pejatović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željka Maglica (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nicholas Bradshaw (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-09-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology
Abstract Psorijaza je kronična upalna bolest kože, karakterizirana abnormalnom proliferacijom keratinocita u gorenjem sloju kože. Ona je multigenska i imunološki posredovana bolest koja uključuje složene interakcije između prirođenog i stečenog imunološkog sustava, a u kojoj glavnu ulogu ima osovina interleukina (IL)-23/Th17 stanica. Genetski čimbenici u kombinaciji s okolišnim čimbenicima kao što su pretilost, stres, pušenje i infekcije, također doprinose razvoju i pogoršanju bolesti. Postoji nekoliko tipova psorijaze, od kojih je najčešći tip plak psorijaza koja je karakterizirana crvenkastim plakovima popraćenim srebrnastobijelim ljuskicama. Dijagnoza psorijaze temelji se na kliničkoj slici i povijesti bolesti u obitelji, no u rijetkim slučajevima može se provesti i biopsija. Za procjenu ozbiljnosti bolesti i utjecaja na kvalitetu života pacijenata koriste se Indeks područja i težine psorijaze (PASI) i Dermatološki indeks kvalitete života (DLQI). Osim procjene, ovi kriteriji također omogućuju i praćenje napretka bolesti te prilagodbu terapije prema potrebama pacijenata. Liječenje psorijaze razlikuje se ovisno o težini bolesti. Blagi oblici bolesti tretiraju se topikalnim terapijama i fototerapijom, dok se teži oblici, između ostalog, tretiraju biološkim agensima koji su pokazali velik napredak u liječenju psorijaze. Iako su postojeće terapije učinkovite, one uzrokuju niz nuspojava zbog čega postoji stalna potreba za razvojem novih i poboljšanih metoda liječenja. Budući pristupi bolesti uključuju razvoj biomarkera i primjenu Multi-Omics tehnologije za bolje razumijevanje i praćenje bolesti te inovacije u administraciji lijekova kao što su mikroigle i topikalni nanonosači. Psorijaza ima značajan utjecaj na kvalitetu života pacijenata te je povezana s komorbiditetima kao što su depresija, psorijatični artritis i kardiovaskularne bolesti zbog čega se zahtijeva holistički i multidisciplinarni pristup liječenja pacijenata te nove učinkovitije terapije.
Abstract (english) Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease, characterised by abnormal proliferation of keratinocytes in the upper layer of the skin. It is a multigenic and immune-mediated disease that involves complex interactions between the innate and adaptive immune systems, in which the IL-23/Th17 axis plays a major role. Genetic factors combined with environmental factors such as obesity, stress, smoking and infections also contribute to the development and worsening of the disease. There are several types of psoriasis, but the most common type is plaque psoriasis, characterised by reddish plaques
accompanied by silvery-white scales. The diagnosis of psoriasis is based on the clinical picture and family history of the disease, but in rare cases, a biopsy can also be performed. The Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) and the
Dermatological Quality of Life Index (DQLI) are used to assess the severity of the disease and its impact on the patient's quality of life. These criteria are also used for monitoring the progress of the disease and adjusting the therapy according to the needs of the patients. Treatment of psoriasis varies depending on the severity of the disease. Mild forms of the disease are treated with topical therapies and phototherapy, while more severe forms are treated with biological agents that have shown great progress in the treatment of psoriasis. Although existing therapies are effective, they cause several side effects, which is why there is a constant need to develop new and improved treatment methods. Future approaches include the development of biomarkers and the application of Multi-Omics technology for better understanding and monitoring of the disease. Drug delivery innovations such as microneedles and topical nanocarriers are also being introduced. Psoriasis has a significant impact on the quality of life of patients and is associated with comorbidities such as depression, psoriatic arthritis and cardiovascular diseases, which require a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of patients and new more effective treatments.
osovina IL-23/Th17
biološki agensi
Keywords (english)
axis IL-23/Th17
biologic agents
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:193:232694
Study programme Title: Biotechnology and drug research Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica biotehnologije i istraživanja lijekova (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica biotehnologije i istraživanja lijekova)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-09-11 10:28:49