Title Karakterizacija SACM1L fosfataze i PI4P u staničnoj liniji DAMI i primarnim megakariocitima
Title (english) Characterization of SACM1L phosphatase and PI4P in Dami cell line and primary megakaryocytes
Author Ana Bura
Mentor Antonija Jurak Begonja (mentor)
Committee member Miranda Mladinić Pejatović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željka Maglica (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonija Jurak Begonja (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2018-08-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology
Abstract Phosphoinositides are phosphorylated membrane lipids that control the function of secretory organelles, act as signal transducers and have a role in actin reorganization, cell growth and proliferation. Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PI4P) is highly abundant in cells and is critical for lipid transport and delivery of cargo from the Golgi apparatus to the plasma membrane. SACM1L is a major phosphatase that metabolizes PI4P at the endoplasmic reticulum and allows accumulation of PI4P at the Golgi apparatus. In megakaryocytes, precursors of blood platelets, there is an active transport between the Golgi apparatus and the growing intracellular membranes, required for platelet production.
In this thesis, we investigated the expression, localization and function of SACM1L and PI4P in human megakaryoblastic leukemia cell line (Dami), and in primary megakaryocytes derived from mouse bone marrow. We used Western blot analysis to examine the level of SACM1L expression and we found that it slightly increases during maturation of Dami cell line and primary megakaryocytes. We examined SACM1L localization by immunofluorescence, and we found that it is localized mostly at the endoplasmic reticulum and partially at the Golgi in both Dami cells and in primary megakaryocytes. Furthermore, exogenous expression of wild-type SACM1L in Dami cells decreased PI4P levels in comparison to the expression of catalytically dead form. SACM1L functionality in primary megakaryocytes was proven by its inhibition with hydrogen peroxide and subsequent increase in PI4P levels. Next, we observed that PI4P is localized at the Golgi in all maturation states in Dami cells which was confirmed with the exogenous expression of a PI4P binding probe. On the other hand, in primary immature megakaryocytes, PI4P is mostly localized at the Golgi, while in mature megakaryocytes it translocates to the PM. Finally, inhibition of kinases that produce PI4P (PI4K) caused a significant increase in the number of megakaryocytes forming proplatelets.
These data indicate that SACM1L and PI4P could have a role in megakaryocyte maturation and platelet formation. Also, these results open new questions about the role of PI4P in megakaryocyte maturation, which is a subject of future research.
Abstract (croatian) Fosfoinozitidi su fosforilirani membranski lipidi koji kontroliraju funkciju sekretornih organela, djeluju kao sekundarni glasnici te imaju ulogu u reorganizaciji aktina, staničnom rastu i proliferaciji. Fosfatidilinozitol-4-fosfat (PI4P) je jedan od najzastupljenijih fosfoinozitida u stanici koji regulira transport tereta iz Golgijevog aparata prema plazmatskoj membrani. SACM1L je glavna fosfataza koja defosforilira PI4P na endoplazmatskom retikulumu što dovodi do nakupljanja PI4P na Golgijevom aparatu. U megakariocitima, koji su prekursori trombocita, odvija se aktivni transport tvari između Golgijevog aparata i rastućih unutarstaničnih membrana koje su potrebne za stvaranje trombocita.
U ovom radu istražili smo ekspresiju, lokalizaciju i funkciju SACM1L i PI4P u staničnoj liniji ljudske megakarioblastične leukemije (Dami) i u primarnim megakariocitima iz mišje koštane srži. Western blot metodom istražili smo razinu ekspresije SACM1L i uočili blagi porast tijekom sazrijevanja Dami stanica i primarnih megakariocita. Metodom imunofluorescencije istražili smo lokalizaciju SACM1L i uočili da se nalazi uglavnom u endoplazmatskom retikulumu te djelomično na Golgijevom aparatu u Dami stanicama i primarnim megakariocitima. Nadalje, u Dami stanicama egzogena ekspresija divljeg tipa SACM1L smanjila je razinu PI4P u usporedbi sa stanicama koje su eksprimirale katalitički neaktivan oblik SACM1L. Funkcionalna aktivnost SACM1L u megakariocitima dokazana je inhibicijom s vodikovim peroksidom i posljedičnim povećanjem razine PI4P. U Dami stanicama PI4P je lokaliziran uglavnom na Golgijevom aparatu što je i potvrđeno egzogenom ekspresijom PI4P probe. Nasuprot tome, u primarnim nezrelim megakariocitima PI4P se uglavnom nalazi na Golgijevom aparatu dok se u zrelim megakariocitima translocira na plazmatsku membranu. Konačno, inhibiranje kinaza koje proizvode PI4P (PI4K) uzrokuje značajan porast u broju megakariocita koji stvaraju protrombocite.
Ovi rezultati upućuju na potencijalnu ulogu SACM1L i PI4P u sazrijevanju megakariocita i stvaranju protrombocita. Također, ovi rezultati otvaraju nova pitanja o ulozi PI4P u sazrijevanju megakariocita što će biti predmet budućih istraživanja.
SACM1L phosphatase
Keywords (english)
SACM1L fosfataza
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:193:827853
Study programme Title: Biotechnology in medicine Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra biotehnologije u medicini (magistar/magistra biotehnologije u medicini)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-09-11 07:36:34