Title Optimizacija izolacije koagulacijskog faktora IX
Title (english) Optimization of isolation of coagulation factor IX
Author Silvia Sobol
Mentor Đuro Josić (mentor)
Committee member Sandra Kraljević Pavelić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Karlo Wittine (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Đuro Josić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2018-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology
Abstract Zgrušavanje krvi odvija se nizom reakcija, a ključni je događaj aktivacija faktora zgrušavanja. Ukoliko je neki od faktora deficijentan ili ne može izvršavati svoju funkciju, neće doći do te važne fiziološke reakcije. Najčešće genetske bolesti povezane sa defektom zgrušavanja krvi su hemofilija A i B. Hemofilija A je češća i uzrokovana je nedostatkom ili defektom faktora VIII. Deficijencija faktora IX (FIX) uzrok je hemofilije B. Ova bolest je znatno rjeđa od hemofilije A, ali su simptomi ovih
... More genetskih poremećaja jako slični. Kod nedostatka jednog od ova dva faktora dolazi do krvarenja u mišiće, zglobove i u mekom tkivu, što predstavlja problem prilikom ozljeda ili tijekom operacija. Kao terapija koristi se intravenozna infuzija deficijentnog faktora, koji se dobiva iz humane plazme ili metodom rekombinantne DNA.
Proces kojim se FIX izolira iz humane plazme uključuje različite tipove kromatografije kojima se postepeno uklanjaju ostale komponente plazme, dok se kao krajnji produkt ne dobije pročišćeni koncentrat FIX. Prilikom purifikacije FIX iz humane plazme, prinos i koagulacijska aktivnost FIX opada sa svakim korakom. Stoga je potrebno optimizirati postupak tako da se koncentrat FIX dobije u što manje koraka i sa maksimalnim prinosom.
U ovom radu je u prvom koraku sistematski ispitano nekoliko omjera mase matriksa i volumena plazme, kako bi se odredila koncentracija plazme pri kojoj dolazi do potiskivanja komponenata uzorka (engl. sample displacement), odnosno vezanja proteina prisutnih u niskim koncentracijama u plazmi za nosač. Uvjet je da ti proteini imaju znatno viši afinitet prema kromatografskom nosaču od onih koji dolaze u višoj koncentraciji, ali se vežu sa znatno nižim afinitetom. U ovom koraku je korišten poprečno vezani dekstran (Sephadex), koji je dodan plazmi u različitim koncentracijama. Ispitane su dvije vrste poprečno vezanog dekstrana različitih ionskih jakosti – DEAE (dietilaminoetil) Sephadex, i QAE (kvartarni aminoetil) Sephadex. U svrhu određivanja optimalnog
omjera između količine plazme i dodanog poprečno vezanog dekstrana (Sephadex), ionski izmjenjivač je odvojen centrifugiranjem i vezani proteini su eluirani otopinom NaCl. U sljedećem koraku je eluirani materijal dijaliziran i ponovo nanesen na različite kolone punjene anionskim izmjenjivačima. Te su kolone ili punjene zrnastim materijalom ili su korištene monolitne kolone sa anionskim izmjenjivačima različite jakosti – QAE i DEAE koji vežu FIX i prateće proteine različitim intenzitetom. Nakon svakog kromatografskog postupka provedena je elektroforeza na poliakrilamidnom gelu uz natrij dodecil-sulfat (SDS-PAGE) kako bi se odredio proteinski sastav frakcija. Razvijene su Western blot metode za potvrdu prisutnosti FIX, te glavnog kontaminanta, faktora X (FX) u pojedinim frakcijama.
Naši rezultati sugeriraju da pri optimalnom omjeru između količine plazme i količine poprečno vezanog dekstrana (Sephadex) dolazi do potiskivanja komponenata uzorka, što znači da komponente koje se sa višim afinitetom vežu na anionski izmjenjivač (u ovom slučaju poprečno vezani dekstran - Sephadex) potiskuju one vezane nižim afinitetom. Ovaj postupak i kromatografske kolone korištene u ovom istraživanju mogu se koristiti u izolaciji FIX iz humane plazme, te pomoći u daljnjoj optimizaciji procesa purifikacije ovog važnog terapeutskog proteina. Less
Abstract (english) Blood clotting takes place through a series of reactions, and the key one is activation of coagulation factors. If any of the factors in the clotting cascade is deficient or if it cannot perform its function, this important physiological reaction will be disturbed. Two most common genetic disorders linked to the blood clotting defect are hemophilia A and B. Hemophilia A, caused by factor VIII deficiency or defect, is more prevalent. Deficiency of coagulation factor IX (FIX) is the cause of
... More hemophilia B. Its prevalence is significantly lower than hemophilia A, but the symptoms are similar. In case of deficiency of one of these factors, bleeding in the muscles, joints and soft tissues occurs, presenting a problem in injuries and during operations. As a therapy, intravenous infusion of FIX is given to the patient. Therapeutic FIX can be derived from human plasma or by recombinant DNA method.
The process of FIX isolation from human plasma involves various types of chromatography, by which other plasma components are removed gradually until the final product is obtained in form of purified FIX concentrate. During the purification process, the yield and enzymatic activity of FIX tend to decrease after each step. It is therefore necessary to optimize the process, so that FIX concentrate is obtained in as few steps as possible, and the maximal yield is achieved.
In this study, several matrices added to human plasma in different rations were tested, to determine the plasma concentration at which the sample displacement occurs. Under these conditions, low abundance plasma proteins bind to the matrix. This will happen only if these proteins bind to the matrix with significantly greater affinity than high abundance proteins. In this step, cross linked dextran (Sephadex) is added to plasma at different concentrations. Two types of Sephadex with different ionic strength were tested – diethylamino ethyl (DEAE) and quaternary (QAE) Sephadex. To determine the optimal Sephadex to plasma ratio, the anion exchanger was separated by centrifugation, and bound proteins were
eluted with a NaCl solution. In the next step, eluted material is dialyzed and reapplied to different columns packed with anion exchange materials. These columns are either packed with granular material or with a monolithic support with anion exchangers of different strength - QAE or DEAE, binding FIX and the accompanying proteins with different intensity. After each chromatographic step, electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE) was performed to determine protein composition. Western blot methods were developed to confirm the presence of FIX and its main contaminant, factor X (FX), in certain fractions.
Our results document that an optimal plasma to Sephadex ratio leads to sample displacement, meaning that the compounds which bind to the anionic exchanger (in this case Sephadex) with higher affinity, replace the compounds that bind with lower affinity. This procedure, as well as the columns used in this study can be used in FIX isolation from human plasma, which can help in further optimization of the purification process of this therapeutically important protein. Less
hemofilija B
faktor IX
Keywords (english)
hemophilia B
factor IX
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:193:299269
Study programme Title: Biotechnology in medicine Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra biotehnologije u medicini (magistar/magistra biotehnologije u medicini)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-10-31 09:33:46