Title Konstrukcija herpes simpleks 1 virusa koji eksprimira zeleni fluorescentni protein
Title (english) Construction of herpes simplex virus 1 expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein
Author Ana Vignjević
Mentor Igor Jurak (mentor)
Committee member Nela Malatesti (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonija Jurak Begonja (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Jurak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology Engineering
Abstract Istraživanje virusne replikacije može predstavljati značajan izazov, naročito ako je replikacija ograničena ili ne prouzrokuje očiti citopatološki učinak (engl. cytopathic effect, CPE). Integracija gena unutar virusnog genoma koji kodira za fluorescentni protein često je korišten pristup kojim se prevazilaze takvi problemi. Unatoč tome, mutageneza velikih DNA genoma poput herpesvirusa donedavno je bila prilično nezgrapan proces. Kloniranje velikih DNA fragmenata u obliku umjetnog bakterijskog kromosoma (engl. bacterial artificial chromosome, BAC) i razvoj tehnika za ciljanu i nasumičnu mutagenezu omogučili su nov i visokoučinkovit pristup za istraživanje biologije velikih DNA virusa. Kako bi se pojačao intenzitet fluorescencije u in vitro sustavu za kontinuirano praćenje virusne replikacije zasnovan na rekombinantnom virusnom genomu sa eksprimiranim genom za poboljšani zeleni fluorescentni protein (engl. Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein, EGFP), cilj rada bio je konstruirati dva rekombinantna herpes simpleks 1 (HSV-1) virusna genoma u obliku umjetnog bakterijskog kromosoma sa eksprimiranim genom za EGFP pod transkripcijskom kontrolom ljudskog citomegalovirusnog (CMV) promotora.
S obzirom da je navedeni promotor jedan od najpotentnijih, s toga i jedan od najčešće korištenih u istraživanju za poticanje prepisivanja gena od interesa, htjeli smo ispitati u kolikoj mjeri njegova prisutnost utječe na ekspresiju EGFP gena u odnosu na izvornu mutantu. Jedan rekombinantni genom također je trebao sadržavati poliadenilacijski (polyA) terminacijski signal kloniran nizvodno od EGFP sekvence kako bi se ispitao njegov utjecaj na stabilnu ekspresiju zelenog proteina. Sekvence od interesa (CMVp-EGFP te CMVp-EGFP-polyA) trebale su biti klonirane u intergensku regiju UL3-UL4 pomoću plazmidnog vektora primjenjivog na većinu sojeva HSV-1 i „En passant” Lambda Red homologne rekombinacije u Escherichii Coli. U radu je korišten KOS virusni soj, a ekspresiju EGFP proteina namjeravalo se potvrditi fluorescentnom mikroskopijom i metodom Western blot.
Mutageneza virusa, nažalost, nije uspjela u prvom koraku „En passant” rekombinacije, no prikupljeni podaci su prikazani kao i ponuđena objašnjenja neuspjeha te budući napori u riješavanju problema.
Abstract (english) Investigating replication of viruses can be a challenging task, particularly if the replication is limited or not causing obvious cytopathic effects (CPEs). Integration of a gene encoding fluorescent protein within the virus genome is a frequently used approach to overcome such issues. However, mutagenesis of large DNA genomes, such as herpesviruses, was until recently very cumbersome. Cloning of large DNA fragments as bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) and development of techniques for the site directed and random mutagenesis have enabled a new and highly efficient approach to study biology of large DNA viruses. The main goal of this study was to intensify the green signal in an in vitro system for the visualization of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) during active stage of infection, relying on a recombinant virus genome cloned as a bacterial artificial chromosome, expressing reporter gene for the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). Since the human cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter is one of the most potent and therefore one of the most commonly used promoters in research for driving the transcription of genes of interest, we wanted to see to what extent it affects the transcription of EGFP upon transfection of Vero cells compared to the original mutant. To optimize the expression of the green protein, another goal was to generate a second HSV-1 recombinant, additionally containing polyadenylation (polyA) termination signal situated downstream of the EGFP sequence in order to evaluate its necessity for stabile gene expression.
For genome editing, a KOS viral strain, plasmid vector suitable for the mutagenesis of most of the HSV-1 strains and an “En passant” Lambda Red recombination technique in Escherichia Coli was used. The sequences of interest (CMVp-EGFP and CMVp-EGFP-polyA) were supposed to be inserted into an intergenic region UL3-UL4 and the successful integration of the green protein was supposed to be confirmed using fluorescent microscopy and Western blot. Unfortunately, the construction of viral recombinants failed due to the unsuccessful integration of sequences inside the genome in the first step of the “En passant” recombination.
Still, the collected data is provided, with the discussion section explaining possible reasons of failure, as well as future efforts in resolving the problem.
herpes simpleks virus 1 (HSV-1)
poboljšani zeleni fluorescentni protein (EGFP)
ljudski citomegalovirusni (CMV) promotor
umjetni bakterijski kromosom (BAC)
„En passant” lambda Red rekombinacija
Keywords (english)
herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)
enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)
human cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter
bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)
“En passant” Lambda Red recombination
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:193:223716
Study programme Title: Biotechnology in medicine Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra biotehnologije u medicini (magistar/magistra biotehnologije u medicini)
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Created on 2019-07-18 18:18:48