Title Utjecaj ekstrakta polisaharida iz gljiva na probiotička svojstva bakterija roda Lactobacillus i kompeticija s patogenim sojem S. Typhimurium
Title (english) The Effect of Fungal Polysaccharides on Probiotic Properties from the Genus Lactobacillus and Competition with Pathogenic Strain S. Typhimurium
Author Andrea Bukša
Mentor Željka Maglica (mentor)
Mentor Ivana Gobin (mentor)
Committee member Igor Jurak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nela Malatesti (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željka Maglica (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Gobin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology
Abstract Ljudsku mikrobiotu – zajednicu svih mikroorganizama u ljudskom organizmu, čini veliki broj različitih po ljudski organizam korisnih i (potencijalno) štetnih mikroorganizama. Među korisnima posebno se ističu bakterije roda Lactobacillus, koji su jedni od najčešće korištenih probiotičkih mikroorganizama. Pozitivan učinak na ljudski organizam iskazuje se probiotičkim potencijalom, a on uključuje antimikrobni učinak, sposobnost agregacije i koagregacije s patogenom, sposobnost inhibicije patogena u
... More kokulturi te sposobnost adheriranja (i inhibicije adhezije patogena) na površinu stanica crijevnog epitela. U ovom istraživanju koristili smo sojeve laktobacila za koje očekujemo da imaju velik probiotički potencijal - L. casei, L. helveticus, L. acidophilus, L. paracasei i L. rhamnosus GG, te smo proučavali kako na njihov probiotički potencijal djeluje uvođenje dodatnog faktora – ekstrakta polisaharida iz gljiva, ranije okarakteriziranog kao potencijalnog novog prebiotika. Kao model patogena korištena je Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium).
Rezultati su pokazali da svi ispitani sojevi laktobacila luče neproteinske, termostabilne, pH ovisne antimikrobne tvari koje djeluju inhibitorno na S. Typhimurium. Agregacijska svojstva L. casei, L. helveticus i LGG, kao i koagregacija s patogenom, bila su izrazito visoka (>80% nakon 24 sata), bez značajne razlike među sojevima. U kokulturama se pokazao različit učinak ovisno o vrsti korištenog bujona: u MH bujonu, L. casei i L. helveticus inhibirali su S. Typhimurium za oko 2 log nakon 24 sata, a u LB-MRS bujonu, u kojem su povoljniji uvjeti za rast laktobacila, već nakon 18 sati nije bilo preživjelih S. Typhimurium (inhibicija 6 log). Proučavajući adhezijska svojstva, primijećen je trend porasta inhibicije adhezije patogena (do 22%) ovisan o povećanju inicijalnog broja stanica laktobacila (L. casei, L. acidophilus, LGG) u odnosu na broj stanica S. Typhimurium u kulturi, bez značajne razlike među sojevima.
Ekstrakt polisaharida dodan kao suplement bujonu nije negativno utjecao na produkciju antimikrobnih tvari niti na inhibicijsko djelovanje laktobacila na S. Typhimurium u kokulturi. Ekstrakt je stimulirao adheziju L. casei i L. acidophilus, a istovremeno inhibirao adheziju S. Typhimurium. U koadheziji je također vidljiv inhibicijski učinak.
Zaključno, u in vitro uvjetima dominantni kompetitivni mehanizmi laktobacila su koagregacija i lučenje mliječne kiseline koja djeluje antimikrobno na S. Typhimurium, dok mehanizam inhibicije adhezije nema tako izražen efekt u eliminaciji patogena. Ekstrakt polisaharida iz gljiva pokazuje pozitivan učinak na adheziju laktobacila, ali mehanizmi nisu dovoljno istraženi pa to može biti predmet budućih istraživanja. Less
Abstract (english) Human microbiota – the community of all microorganisms in the human body, comprises many beneficial, as well as (potentially) harmful microbes. Among the beneficial ones, bacteria from the genus Lactobacillus are particularly significant, being some of the most commonly used probiotic species. The positive impact on the human health is shown through a microbe's probiotic potential, which includes actions such as antimicrobial effect, ability of aggregation and co-aggregation with pathogens,
... More capability of inhibition of pathogens in co-culture and capability of adhesion (and inhibition of pathogen adhesion) to the surface of human gut epithelia cells. In this research, we used lactobacilli strains which were expected to have great probiotic potential - L. casei, L. helveticus, L. acidophilus, L. paracasei and L. rhamnosus GG, and we studied in which manner was that potential influenced by introducing an additional factor – mushroom polysaccharide extract, which was previously characterised as a potential novel prebiotic. We used Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) as the model for gut pathogens.
The results have shown that all of the observed strains of lactobacilli produce non-protein, pH dependant antimicrobial substances which have inhibitory action on S. Typhimurium. Aggregation characteristics of L. casei, L. helveticus and LGG, as well as co-aggregation with pathogen, were extremely high (>80% after 24 hours), with no significant difference between strains. Co-cultures have shown different effects depending on the type of broth used: in MH broth, L. casei and L. helveticus inhibited S. Typhimurium by approximately 2 log after 24 hours, yet in LB-MRS broth, which has more favourable conditions for the growth of lactobacilli, there were no colonies of S. Typhimurium visible after 18 hours of incubation (6 log inhibition). By examining the adhesion properties, we noticed a trend of increased pathogen adhesion inhibition (up to 22%) dependant on the increase of the initial number of lactobacilli cells (L. casei, L. acidophilus, LGG) in relation to S. Typhimurium cells in the culture, but with no significant difference among strains.
The mushroom polysaccharide extract, added as a broth supplement, does not affect the production of antimicrobial substances nor the inhibitory action of lactobacilli on S. Typhimurium in co-cultures, but can affect the adhesion properties of studied microbes. The supplement stimulates adhesion of L. casei and L. acidophilus, yet simultaneously inhibits adhesion of S. Typhymurium. Co-adhesion also shows inhibitory action.
In conclusion, in vitro conditions have shown the predominant competitive mechanisms of lactobacilli to be co-aggregation and production of lactic acid, which has antimicrobial action on S. Typhimurium, while the mechanism of inhibition of adhesion has not been shown to be as effective in terms of pathogen elimination. The polysaccharide extract shows a positive effect on lactobacilli adhesion, but the underlying mechanisms have not been sufficiently explained, suggesting further research to be done in this topic. Less
probiotička svojstva
prebiotička svojstva
polisaharidi iz gljiva
S. Typhimurium
Keywords (english)
probiotic properties
prebiotic properties
mushroom polysaccharides
S. Typhimurium
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:193:567363
Study programme Title: Medicinal chemistry Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra medicinske kemije (magistar/magistra medicinske kemije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-09-30 14:39:47