Title Analiza ekspresije prp gena u Mycobacterium smegmatis u prisutnosti propionata pomoću time-lapse fluorescentne mikroskopije
Title (english) Allysiy of prp expression in Mycobacterium smegmatis in presence of propionate by using fluorescent time-lapse microscopy
Author Nika Turković
Mentor Željka Maglica (mentor)
Committee member Miranda Mladinić Pejatović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasminka Giacometti (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željka Maglica (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2017-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology
Abstract Fenotipska heterogenost može imati važne funkcionalne posljedice, može
pružiti pojedincima i skupinama novu funkcionalnost, te omogućiti
preživljavanje u stresnim uvjetima poput nedostatka kisika i hranjivih
tvari ili utjecaja antibiotika. Pojava rezistentnosti u postojećoj
antituberkuloznoj terapiji, potaklo je da poznavanje fenotipske
heterogenosti postane važni istraživački fokus. Mycobacterium smegmatis
je brzorastuća nepatogena bakterija koja služi kao modelni organizam za
patogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis koji je glavni uzročnik tuberkuloze.
Za vrijeme infekcije posebno je važan metabolizam masnih kiselina u
mikobakterijama. Potreba za razumijevanjem metabolizma masnih
kiselina s neparnim brojem C atoma, metilcitratnom ciklusu i važnosti prp
gena potaklo je istraživanja na mediju koji sadrži propionat. Korištenjem
time-lapse fluorescentne mikroskopije i obrade filmova u BactImAS
platformi omogućeno je proučavanje ekspresije prp gena i drugih
parametara tijekom vremena, te uočavanje fenotipske heterogenosti u
našim eksperimentima. Rezultati su analizirani po principu stanica po
stanica (eng. cell-to-cell analysis) i kolektivnom (eng. bulk) analizom. U
ovom radu, u pet eksperimenta s istim uvjetima, zapažena je
heterogenost M. smegmatis, odnosno pojedinačne se stanice međusobno
razlikuju s obzirom na ekspresiju gena i drugih fenotipskih osobina.
Uočena je razlika u brzini prilagodbe i jačini zelene fluorescencije koja
odgovara ekspresiji prp gena u pojedinačnim stanicama unutar istog
eksperimenta. Sestrinske stanice pokazuju razliku i u brzini rasta i diobe,
veličini površine stanice i broju potomaka. U većini slučaja pokazalo se da
jedna sestrinska stanica brže raste, prije se podijeli i ima jaču ekspresiju
gena. S obzirom na dokazanu heterogenost nije moguće postaviti točne
obrasce i pravila koja vrijede za ekspresiju prp gena u prisutnosti
propionata. Nije dokazana povezanost ekspresije gena s veličinom stanica,
brzinom rasta, brojem potomaka i ostalih ispitivanih parametara.
BactImAS softver je omogućio veliki napredak u analizi mikobakterija.
Aktivnim korištenjem program je unaprijeđen i ispravljeni su nedostaci.
Ovim radom otvaraju se mnogobrojna pitanja, te potreba za novim
analizama i iskorištavanjem BactImAS-a u proučavanju mikobakterija i
Abstract (english) Phenotypic heterogeneity can have important functional consequences, it
can provide individuals and groups with new functionality, and it can also
enable survival in stressful conditions such as lack of oxygen and nutrients
or antibiotic influence. The emergence of resistance to existing
antituberculous therapy has led to the recognition of phenotypic
heterogeneity as an important research focus. Mycobacterium smegmatis
is a rapidly growing non-pathogenic bacterium that serves as a model for
the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is the major cause of
tuberculosis. During the infection, fatty acid metabolism in mycobacteria is
particularly important. Understanding fatty acid metabolism with odd
number of C atoms, methylcitrate cycle and the importance of the prp
gene stimulated studies on a propionate-containing media. Using timelapse
fluorescent microscopy and movie processing on BactImAS platform,
it was possible to study the expression of prp genes and other parameters
in time and to observe phenotypic heterogeneity in our experiments. The
results were analyzed by cell-to-cell analysis and bulk analysis. In this
thesis, in five experiments with the same conditions, the heterogeneity of
M. smegmatis was noticed, meaning that the individual cells differed with
respect to the expression of genes and other phenotypic traits. There was
a difference in the rate of adjustment and the strength of green
fluorescence, that corresponds to prp expression level, in individual cells
within the same experiment. Sister cells show the difference in the rate of
growth and division, cell surface size and number of offspring. In most
cases it has been shown that one sister cell inherits faster growth, shorter
division time and it has a stronger gene expression. Given the proven
heterogeneity, it is not possible to set the exact patterns and rules that
apply to the expression of the prp gene in the presence of propionate. No
correlation of genetic expression with cell size, growth rate, number of
offspring and other investigated parameters has been demonstrated.
BactImAS software is a great discovery for mycobacterial analysis. Active
usage of the program has been improved and shortcomings are corrected.
This work opens up many questions, and the need for new analyses and
the exploitation of BactImAS in the study of mycobacteria and
M. smegmatis
prp gen
time-lapse mikroskopija
Keywords (english)
M. smegmatis
prp gene
time-lapse microscopy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:193:274183
Study programme Title: Drug research and development Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra istraživanja i razvoja lijekova (magistar/magistra istraživanja i razvoja lijekova)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2017-11-03 11:28:50