Title Differentiation of acute and chronic exposure to METH on fAGEs accumulation and behavioral phenotypes
Title (croatian) Diferencijacija akutnog i kroničnog izlaganja METH-u na akumulaciju fAGEs te bihevioralni fenotip
Author Ana Klasan
Mentor Rozi Andretić Waldowski (mentor)
Committee member Rozi Andretić Waldowski (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Miranda Mladinić Pejatović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Merćep (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Ban (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology
Abstract Methamphetamine (METH) and cocaine (COC) are often used recreational
drugs that target dopaminergic synaptic transmission. Repeated exposure
to a specific drug that causes increased motor-stimulant response is termed
behavioral sensitization. In D. melanogaster, behavioral sensitization can
be measured and induced with METH and COC. Dopamine has a role in
changes included in neural plasticity after drug intake, such as behavioral
sensitization. Furthermore, it determines various behaviors, including
amount of sleep and locomotor activity. It increases levels of oxidative
stress and affects accumulation of fluorescent advanced glycation end
products (fAGEs). Based on these findings, we were interested to explore
how different duration of feeding with METH affects motor activating effects
of volatilized METH (vMETH) and volatilized cocaine (vCOC), amount of
locomotor activity and sleep, and biochemical indicators of oxidative stress
such as fAGEs and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Feeding with METH did not
influence changes in locomotor activity after vCOC and vMETH
administration using FlyBong. However, we did observe that locomotor
activity and response to psychostimulants decreases with age. Furthermore,
results suggest that neural changes caused by METH are governed by
different mechanisms to those that control neural changes influenced by
COC. Flies pretreated with METH exhibited decreased activity and increased
sleep through the period of fourteen days. Furthermore, we measured levels
of fAGEs and H2O2 in the head of flies. Measurements showed decrease of
H2O2 and increase of fAGEs through the period of fourteen days. This
indicates possible activation of antioxidative defense which decreased H2O2
levels. Increase of fAGEs through fourteen days confirmed its role as
indicators of ageing in D. melanogaster. Further studies are needed to
elucidate the exact effect of oral METH feeding on behavioral and
biochemical factors in D. melanogaster.
Abstract (croatian) Metamfetamin (METH) i kokain (COC) su često konzumirane rekreativne
droge, čiji mehanizam utječe na sinaptičku transmisiju dopamina.
Uzastopno izlaganje specifičnoj drogi uzrokuje povećani motorički
stimulirani odgovor kojeg se naziva bihevioralna senzitacija. METH i COC
mogu inducirati bihevioralnu senzitaciju kod D. melanogaster. Dopamin ima
ulogu u promjenama vezane uz neuralnu plastičnost, kao što je bihevioralna
senzitacija, koje nastupaju nakon uzimanja droge. Također, ima ulogu u
regulaciji količine spavanja, lokomotorne aktivnosti te utječe na
akumulaciju fAGEs-a i količinu oksidativnog stresa. Uzevši u obzir prethodne
činjenice, u ovome radu smo željeli istražiti kako različita dužina oralnog
hranjenja METH-om utječe na motorno-aktivirajuće efekte volatiliziranog
METH-a (vMETH) i volatiliziranog kokaina (vCOC), količinu lokomotorne
aktivnosti i spavanja, te biokemijske indikatore oksidativnog stresa fAGEs i
vodikovog peroksida (H2O2). Hranjenje METH-om nije utjecalo na promjene
u lokomotornoj aktivnosti nakon administracije vCOC i vMETH putem
FlyBong platforme. Međutim, uočili smo da lokomotorna aktivnost i odgovor
mušica na psihostimulante opadaju sa starosti. Rezultati sugeriraju da su
neurološke promjene koje uzrokuje METH regulirane mehanizmom koji nije
povezan s mehanizmom koji kontrolira neurološke promjene nakon
administracije COC-a. Nadalje, mušice koje su hranjenje METH hranom
pokazale su smanjenu aktivnost i povećano spavanje kroz četrnaest dana.
Nadalje, mjerili smo koncentraciju fAGEs-a i H2O2 u glavama mušica.
Mjerenja su pokazala opadanje koncentracije H2O2 i porast koncentracije
fAGEs-a kroz četrnaest dana. Pad u koncentraciji H2O2 možemo opravdati
aktivacijom antioksidativne obrane organizma nakon izlaganja METH-u.
Povećanje koncentracije fAGEs-a daje potvrdu prethodnim istraživanjima
koja sugeriraju da je fAGEs indikator starosti mušica. Potrebno je još studija
da bi se saznao točan efekt oralnog hranjenja METH-om na bihevioralne i
biokemijske faktore kod D. melanogaster.
Drosophila Melanogaster
behavioral sensitization
locomotor activity
Reactive oxygen species
oxidative stress
Keywords (croatian)
Drosophila Melanogaster
bihevioralna senzitacija
lokomotorna aktivnost
reaktivne kisikove vrste
oksidativni stres
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:193:882355
Study programme Title: Drug research and development Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra istraživanja i razvoja lijekova (magistar/magistra istraživanja i razvoja lijekova)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-10-11 10:22:52