Abstract | Budući da su supružnici pozvani biti su-stvoritelji u ostvarivanju Božjega stvarateljskog plana, naravna je težnja bračnih parova da rode svoje vlastito potomstvo. No, u vremenu u kojemu živimo suočavamo se s velikim brojem neplodnih parova, što uzrokuje brojne bračne i psihološke probleme. Veliki broj neplodnih parova spreman je pod svaku cijenu doći do potomstva ne gledajući pri tome etičnosti i moralnost pojedinih postupaka.
Razvojem suvremene medicine različitim tehnikama medicinski pomognute oplodnje omogućeno je ovakvim parovima nadići neplodnost i doći do željenog potomstva. Budući da ove medicinske intervencije zadiru u početak i integritet života ovaj diplomski rad nastoji prikazati neke važne moralne i bioetičke implikacije.
Ovaj rad prije svega govoriti o neplodnosti i njezinim uzrocima te njezinoj dijagnostici koja je nužna kako bi se otkrio pravi uzrok neplodnosti i najbolji način liječenja. Nadalje prikazuje tehnike medicinski pomognute oplodnje koje se koriste u suvremenoj reproduktivnoj medicini. Zbog velike mogućnosti manipulacije genetskim materijalom važno je da svaka država donese zakonske okvire koji će regulirati ove metode. A ovaj rad posebno se bazira na zakonsko reguliranje u Hrvatskoj. Prikazuje bioetičku problematiku i izazove koji prate suvremenu reproduktivnu medicinu te na kraju donosi moralni i etički sud Katoličke Crkve o tehnikama medicinski pomognute oplodnje.
Budući da u suvremenoj reproduktivnoj medicini čovjek zadire u život, što je za nas kršćane najsvetije, Crkva je pozvana u suradnji s bioetičkim znanostima ispravno oblikovati savjest vjernika kako bi sa strahopoštovanjem pristupali novome životu i nastojali ga zaštiti. |
Abstract (english) | Since spouses are called to be co-creators in the realization of God's plan for creation, it is a natural desire of married couples to give birth to their own offspring. But in the times we live in, we face a large number of infertile couples, which causes many marital and psychological problems. A large number of infertile couples are ready to reach offspring at all costs, without considering the ethics and morality of the individual procedures.
With the development of modern medicine, various techniques of Assisted reproductive technology have enabled such couples to overcome infertility and have desired offspring. As these medical interventions touch into the core beginning and integrity of life, this graduate thesis seeks to portray some important moral and bioethical implications.
Thus, this thesis at first and foremost talks about infertility and its causes, and its diagnostics, which is necessary to discover the true cause of infertility and the best treatment. It further illustrates Assisted reproductive technology techniques which are used in modern reproductive medicine. Due to the great ability to manipulate with genetic material, it is important for each state to adopt legal frameworks to regulate these methods. And this thesis will be especially based on legal regulation framework in Croatia. Also, it presents the bioethical issues and challenges that follow modern reproductive medicine, and finally makes a moral and ethical judgment on the techniques of Assisted reproductive technology by the Catholic Church.
Since in modern reproductive medicine, man encroach into life, which is the most sacred to us Christians, the Church is called into, in collaboration with bioethical sciences, uprightly shaping the conscience of believers so they will be able to approach life with awe and strive to protect it. |