Abstract | Ovaj rad se bavi temom ženinog dostojanstva i njenog položaja u društvu od samih početaka ljudske civilizacije pa do današnjih dana kada je ono posebno ugroženo zbog raznih ideoloških nastojanja pojedinih rodnih teoretičara. Sam rad je inspiriran filozofkinjom Simone de Beauvoir te njenom tezom o tome kako se ženom ne rađa nego se postaje koju je iznijela u svojoj knjizi „Drugi spol.“ Zbog toga je sam naziv rada upravo suprotan, odnosno ženom se rađa, a ne postaje.
I žena i muškarac imaju svoje biološke i psihološke posebnosti po kojima se razlikuju jedno od drugoga. Njihovo dostojanstvo izvire iz njihove naravi i biti kao osoba koje se u svijetu pojavljuju kao muško ili kao žensko. Zamjenjivanje kategorije spola rodom se vrši degradiranje dostojanstva koje čovjek u sebi nosi. To je posebno naglašeno u rodnom feminizmu koji želi od žene napraviti muškarca pod krinkom emancipacije i borbe protiv diskriminacije. Želi se uništiti ono što je svojstveno samo ženi, a to je njen identitet majke. Upravo je ovo područje ono na kojemu se vode velike borbe i rasprave posljednjih desetljeća pri čemu se u ime jednakosti zapravo dokida jednakost. Potrebno je osvijestiti važnost ženskog elementa u ovom tehnološkom društvu jer je upravo žena ona koja donosi ljudskost svojom ljubavlju i razumijevanjem u sve strukture društva. |
Abstract (english) | This thesis deals with the topic of women's dignity and her position in society, from the beginnings of human civilization up until today, where it is especially threatened by various idealogical efforts of some gender theorists. The thesis itself is inspired by the philosopher Simone de Beauvoir and her thesis that you are not born a woman, you become one, which she brought up in her book „The Second Sex“. For that reason, the title of this thesis is reversed, that is, you are born a woman, you do not become one.
Men and women both have their biological and psychological differences by which they are different from one another. Their dignity springs from their nature of being a person who, in this world, appears as either a man or a woman. With the changing of the category of sex with that of gender, a degradation is being done on the dignity which lies within a person. That is especially emphasized in gender feminism, which wants to make a man out of a woman, under the guise of emancipation and fighting against discrimination. The goal is to destroy what is inherent only to a woman, and that is her identity as a mother. This is the field in which battles and debates are being held for the past decades, by which, in the name of equality, equality is actually being abolished. It is importat to spread awarness on the female element in this technological society, because it is the woman who brings humanity with her love and understanding into all structures of society. |