Abstract | Diplomski rad nastoji analizirati nedovoljno zastupljeni aspekt pružanja službi žalovanja, koji se navodi kao jedan od integralnih elemenata organizacije palijativne skrbi.
U shematskom presjeku sadržaja, polazi se od prikazivanja temeljnih odrednica palijativne medicine koja u sebi uključuje interdisciplinarnu suradnju različitih profesionalnih timova u pružanju palijativne skrbi, kako bi se zadovoljile holističke dimenzije integrativnog tretmana boli i patnje.
U pružanju podrške terminalnim bolesnicima, umirućima i njihovim ožalošćenima, ističu se kompleksne dimenzije, ne samo materijalno-bioloških konotacija, ublažavanja boli; već i psihološko-emotivnih potreba za očuvanjem samopoštovanja - pažnjom i pripadanjem – suosjećanjem i komunikacijom te pristup duhovnim potrebama umirućih i ožalošćenih.
Pri tom je važno ukazati na koncepte normalnih i patoloških oblika tugovanja, koje zahvaćaju sve integrativne antropološke razine te im je nužno adekvatno pristupiti ukazivanjem temeljnih strateških načela savjetovanja, tehnikama suočavanja, opraštanja i indikativnim zadatcima žalovanja, u kojem važnu ulogu, kao članovi interdisciplinarnog tima čine: medicinsko osoblje, psiholog, socijalni radnici, volonteri i teolozi, svaki sa svojim specifičnostima.
Njihov je sinergijski zadatak nastojati ostvariti holistički pristup palijativne skrbi, gdje se poseban naglasak stavlja na kršćanski koncept pastoralne strategije vjerničkog suočavanja s patnjom, boli i smrću kroz prizmu eshatološke dimenzije i pastorala umirućih i ožalošćenih. |
Abstract (english) | This final work tries to analyze an underrepresented aspect of providing bereavement services, which is comprehended as one of the integral element of the organization of palliative care.
In the schematic cross-section of the content, it starts from showing the basic determinants of palliative medicine, which includes the interdisciplinary cooperation of different professional teams in the provision of the palliative care, in order to meet the holistic dimensions of the integrative treatment of pain and suffering.
In providing support to the terminally ill, the dying and their bereaved ones, the complex dimensions are not only directed toward to the material and biological connotations, of pain relief; but also, to the psychological-emotional needs for preserving self-respect - attention and belonging - compassion and communication as also to the access of the spiritual needs of the dying and bereaved ones.
At the same time, it is important to point out the concepts of normal and pathological forms of grieving, which involve all integrative anthropological levels, and it is necessary to adequately approach them by indicating the basic strategic principles of counseling, coping techniques, forgiveness and indicative tasks of grieving, in which an important role, as members of an interdisciplinary team, are: members of the medical staff, psychologists, social workers, volunteers and theologians, each one with their own specificities.
Their synergistic task is to strive to achieve a holistic approach to palliative care, where special emphasis is placed on the Christian concept of a pastoral strategy of faithful, dealing with suffering, pain and death through the prism of the eschatological dimension and pastoral care of the dying and bereaved. |