Abstract | Interdisciplinarni diplomski rad obrađuje danas vrlo aktualnu i za obiteljsko-društveni život važnu temu uloge i značenja vjere u borbi s ovisnošću o alkoholu u svjetlu evanđeoskog izvješća o uzetomu koji prema Markovu evanđelju (2, 1-12) u susretu s Isusom zadobiva duhovno i tjelesno ozdravljenje. Čovjek zarobljen u ovisnost sličan je uzetomu kojega prijatelji donose pred Isusa. Obojica su nepokretna, bez perspektive, bez komunikacije, bez susreta s drugima, osamljena i bez smisla života. Samo u osobnom susretu s Isusom i u snazi vjere, kako osobne tako i vjere zajednice, čovjek se može osloboditi ropstva grijeha i bolesti te zadobiti duhovno i tjelesno ozdravljenje.
Čovjeku sklonu ovisnosti potrebni su bližnji, obiteljska, ali i šira društvena zajednica. Baš poput četvorice prijatelja iz evanđelja tako i obitelj nosi svog bolesnog člana. Osoba sklona ovisnosti je na »ležaljci« svoje obitelji, koja u ljubavi, suosjećanju i supatnji, trpi sa svojim članom koji je zarobljen u ovisnost. Ovisnost uništava čitavu osobu i sve njegove odnose te stvarnost čini nemogućom. U takvim situacijama vjera u spasenjsku snagu riječi Isusa Krista i u njegovu bezuvjetnu ljubav je jedini izlaz i jedino svjetlo na kraju tunela. Vjera pomaže podnositi nemoguće, vraća nadu u mogući bolji život. Osoba sklona ovisnosti je mnogo zla i nepravde počinila sebi, mnogo patnje prouzročila bližnjima, udaljila se i uništila svoj odnos s Bogom, s bližnjima i sa samom sobom. Te bolne i duboke rane kao i slomljene odnose može zaliječiti vjera u iscjeliteljsku snagu oproštenja. Prije svega oproštenje bližnjih koje će osobi posvjedočiti da je voljena i dragocjena, prihvaćena i vrijedna življenja. Iznimno je važno da osoba doživi i Božje oproštenje, njegovu blizinu i ljubav, nježnost i milosrđe koje će joj pomoći oprostiti samoj sebi te u snazi vjere iznova rođena započeti svoj novi hod. |
Abstract (english) | The interdisciplinary graduate thesis deals with today's very current and important for family and social life topic of the role and meaning of faith in the fight against alcohol addiction in the light of the Gospel account of the drunken man who, according to Mark's Gospel (2, 1-12), in meeting Jesus gains spiritual and physical recovery. Both are immobile, without perspective, without communication, without meeting others, lonely and without the meaning of life. Only in a personal encounter with Jesus and in the strength of faith, both personal and the faith of the community, can a person be freed from the slavery of sin and disease and receive spiritual and physical healing.
A person prone to addiction needs close friends, family, but also the wider social community. Just like the four friends from the Gospel, the family carries its sick member. A person prone to addiction is on the "lounger" of her family, who, in love, compassion and sympathy, suffers with her member who is trapped in addiction. Addiction destroys the whole person and all his relationships and makes reality impossible. In such situations, faith in the saving power of the words of Jesus Christ and in his unconditional love is the only way out and the only light at the end of the tunnel. Faith helps to endure the impossible, restores hope for a possible better life. A person prone to addiction has committed a lot of evil and injustice to herself, caused a lot of suffering to her closest ones, distanced herself from and destroyed her relationship with God, with her closest ones and with herself. Those painful and deep wounds as well as broken relationships can be healed by faith in the healing power of forgiveness. First of all, the forgiveness of loved ones, which will testify to the person that he is loved and precious, accepted and worth living. It is extremely important for a person to experience God's forgiveness, his closeness and love, tenderness and mercy, which will help him forgive himself and, born again in the power of faith, begin his new journey. |