Abstract | U ovome radu, analizirat će se problematika anksioznosti kao psihičke poteškoće, njezini simptomi, uzroci i dijagnoza te krjepost ufanja kao put izvrsnosti za čovjeka. Čovjek danas živi u užurbanom svijetu pa će se, potaknuto tom činjenicom, vidjeti što čovjeka može udaljiti od Boga, Crkve, samoga sebe i okoline. Što dovodi do strahova i koliko sam čovjek može egzistencijalno utjecati na situacije u kojima se nalazi? Ulazi se u područje psihopatologije kao znanstvene discipline i njezine podjele te razlikovanja normalnog od abnormalnog ponašanja. Autor u radu daje prednost poremećaju anksioznosti kao poremećaju koji nameće pitanje: je li čovjek u egzistencijalnoj opasnosti ili pak u grijehu protivnom krjeposti ufanja i kako to rastumačiti s obzirom na kompleksnost same čovjekove naravi i poremećaja? Nadalje, rad se bavi anksioznim simptomima, dijagnozi, uzrocima te oblicima, govori o posljedicama i liječenju te samom dostojanstvu čovjeka kao osobe i onoga koji je stvoren na sliku Božju i koji kao takav ima vrijednost. U okviru same anksioznosti, dotaknut će se i obraditi pojam krjeposti, definicija, povijesni presjek, narav i govor Svetoga pisma i crkvenoga učiteljstva. U središtu misli, uz poremećaj anksioznosti, jest krjepost ufanja koja je ujedno i glavni dio rada budući da je i rad naslovljen i upućen na krjepost ufanja; ovdje je poseban naglasak na govor nekih biblijskih i teoloških velikana. Nadalje, prodrijet će se u problematiku grijeha i poremećaja protiv krjeposti ufanja, a u posljednjem dijelu rada autor pokušava integrirati teologiju i psihologiju kao dvije zasebne, a međusobno povezane discipline koje se nadopunjuju. Nastojat ćemo vidjeti kako čovjeku koji je anksiozno potresen u pomoć prilazi Crkva, a kako psihoterapija te ulogu sakramenata, svećenika kao Kristovog namjesnika i zajednice vjernika. Zaključno, rad će pokazati da je krjepost ufanja ključ vjerskog života budući da molitveni život treba biti protkan upravo vjerom, ufanjem i ljubavlju i na čijem putu važnu ulogu ima Duh Sveti koji posreduje za ljude neizrecivim uzdasima i Bog koji u svemu na dobro surađuje s onima koji ga ljube (usp. Rim 8, 26-28). |
Abstract (english) | In this paper we will attempt to analyze the issues of anxiety as a psychological difficulty, its symptoms, causes and diagnosis as well as virtue as the way of excellence for man. The man of today lives in a world of rush, so, prompted by that fact, we will see what can estrange man from God, Church, himself and his surroundings. What leads to fears and how much can man himself existentially influence the situations in which he finds himself? The paper deals with psychology as a scientific discipline and about division and discernment of normal and abnormal behaviour. In this paper the author gives precedence to anxiety as disorder which poses the question: is man in an existential danger or in a sin against the virtue of hope and how to interpret that in sight of complexity of human nature itself and of disorders? Further, the paper will deail with symptoms of anxiety, its diagnosis, causes and its various kinds and talk about consequences and treatment and the dignity of man as a person as well as the one who is created in the image of God. In frame of anxiety we ill touch upon and deal with virtues, their definition, history, nature and that which Sacred Scripture and Church Magisterium teach about them. In the center of thought, along with anxiety disorder, is the virtue of hope which is also the core part of the paper since the work is titled and directed towards the virtue of hope; here specifically are brought the words of biblical and theological giants. Moreover, we will delve into issues of sins and disorders against the virtue of hope, and in the last part, we will try to integrate theology and psychology as two individual but interconnected disciplines. We will attempt to see how the Church, and how psychotherapy comes to aid a man who suffers from anxiety and the role of sacraments, of priest as Christ's vicar and the role of the community of the faithful is explored. In conclusion, it will be seen that the virtue of hope is the key of spiritual life since the life of prayer needs to be interwoven precisely with faith, hope and charity, and in whose way the crucial role has the Holy Spirit who intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings and God who works for good in everything with those who love him (cf. Rom 8:26-28). |