Author Krešimir Dabo
Mentor Nives Tomašević (mentor)
Committee member Božo Skoko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (Doctoral studies) Osjek
Defense date and country 2020-06-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 304 - Social questions. Social practice. Cultural practice
Abstract Iznimna raznolikost hrvatskog folklornog stvaralaštva, očuvanje i predstavljanje narodne baštine
u fokusu su mnogih etnologa, antropologa, povjesničara umjetnosti, kulturologa, sociologa, ali i
mnogih drugih znanstvenika. Međutim, koliko hrvatska tradicijska kultura uspješno pronalazi
put do šire hrvatske javnosti te koliko o njoj zna, uvelike ovisi o nekolicini ustanova koje se
njome bave iz različitih perspektiva. Iako očuvanje folklornog nasljeđa zahvaljujemo lokalnim
... More umjetničkim skupinama i udrugama koje čuvaju svoje običaje od zaborava,
institucionalizirano bavljenje tradicijom trebalo bi osigurati jamstvo dugotrajnog, sistematičnog i
kontinuiranog čuvanja i predstavljanja bogate hrvatske baštine. Zato je osobito važno, u
današnjem vremenu galopirajućeg razvoja informacijskih i komunikacijskih procesa, uspješno
komuncirati djelovanje ustanova koje se bave nekim aspektom čuvanja i predstavljanja baštine.
Ovaj rad analizira odnose s javnošću dviju takvih ustanova od nacionalnog značaja, jednu
muzejsku i jednu umjetničko izvedbenu. Riječ o Etnografskom muzeju u Zagrebu i Ansamblu
narodnih plesova i pjesama Hrvatske Lado. Na primjerima triju projekata svake ustanove,
analizirana je strategija komuniciranja s javnostima kroz kvantitaivne i kvalitativne metode
istraživanja, s namjerom da se dobije što precizniji uvid u načine, taktike, a onda i rezultate
odnosa s javnošću ustanova. Istraživanje je ukazalo na prostor za poboljšanje te kako tradicijska
kultura, iako zanimljiva javnosti, nije često u fokusu medija, djelomično zbog nedostatnih znanja
i aktivnosti matičnih kuća u odnosima s javnošću, a djelomično zbog općeg manjka zanimanja
medija za umjetnost, osobito onu narodnu. Ipak, ustanovljen je i veliki pomak u novim načinima
komunikacije Etnografskog muzeja i Ansambla Lado te metodama pronalaska puta do nove
publike koje su usklađenije sa psihologijom suvremenog konzumenta narodne umjetnosti.
Zaključno, rad donosi prijedloge poboljšanja odnosa s javnošću ustanova, s ciljem potencijalnog
dugoročnog održavanja interesa javnosti za tradicijsku kulturu kao neotuđivog dijela hrvatskog
kulturološkog identiteta. Less
Abstract (english) The exceptional diversity of Croatian folklore creativity, the preservation and presentation of
national heritage are the focus of many ethnologists, anthropologists, art historians, cultural
scientists, sociologists, and many other scientists. However, how successfully Croatian
traditional culture finds its way to the wider Croatian public and how much it knows about it
depends largely on the few institutions that deal with it from different perspectives. Although the
... More preservation of folklore heritage by local amateur arts groups and associations that keep their
customs from oblivion, institutionalized tradition should ensure the long-term, systematic and
continuous preservation and presentation of the rich Croatian heritage. That is why it is
especially important, in the current time of the galloping development of tehnology and
communication processes, to successfully communicate the activities of institutions dealing with
some aspect of preserving and presenting heritage. This paper analyzes the public relations of
two such institutions of national importance, one museum and one performing art institution. It is
about the Ethnographic Museum in Zagreb and the Folk Dance and Song Ensemble of Croatia
Lado. Using the examples of the three projects of each institution, the strategy of communication
with the public through quantitative and qualitative research methods was analyzed, with the
intention of obtaining as accurate insight into the ways, tactics and then results of public
relations of the institutions. Research has shown that there is a space for improvement and how
traditional culture, although interesting to the public, is often not the focus of the media, partly
because of lack of knowledge and activities of art institutions in public relations, and partly
because of a general lack of interest in the media for the arts, especially folk. However, a major
shift has been made in the new ways of communication of the Ethnographic Museum and the
LADO Ensemble and methods of finding a way to reach new audiences more in tune with the
psychology of the contemporary consumer of folk art. In conclusion, the paper proposes to
improve the public relations of institutions, with the aim of potentially maintaining the long-term
public interest in traditional culture as an inalienable part of Croatian cultural identity. Less
tradicijska kultura
Etnografski muzej
Ansambl Lado
odnosi s javnošću u kulturi
Keywords (english)
traditional culture
Ethnographic Museum
Lado Ensemble
public relations in culture
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:236:809158
Study programme Title: University Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Communication Studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti)
Type of resource Text
Extent 174
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-03-22 08:06:44