Author Martina Skelin
Mentor Duška Šarin (mentor)
Granter EFFECTUS university Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-03-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract Korporativno upravljanje je ključni element svake ekonomske strukture, a u ovom diplomskom radu prikazani su zakonodavni okviri korporativnog upravljanja u Republici Hrvatskoj te kako ti okviri utječu na gospodarstvo, društva, investitore i tržište vrijednosnih papira. Korporativno upravljanje se definira kao kompleksan sustav odnosa između menadžmenta, dioničara različitih veličina, i drugih interesnih grupa unutar korporacija. Ima ključnu ulogu u održivom ekonomskom rastu, povećanju efikasnosti gospodarskog sustava i omogućava lakši pristup vanjskim izvorima kapitala, što ga čini iznimno važnim aspektom suvremenog poslovanja. Zakonodavni okvir korporativnog upravljanja u Republici Hrvatskoj obuhvaća niz zakona i propisa koji reguliraju različite aspekte ovog sustava. Ovaj rad istražuje najvažnije zakone koji utječu na korporativno upravljanje u Republici Hrvatskoj, uključujući Zakon o tržištu kapitala i Zakon o trgovačkim društvima te analizira njihov utjecaj na korporacije i dioničare. Također, prikazan je OECD-ov korporativni upravljački kodeks, koji pruža smjernice za dobro korporativno upravljanje te Kodeks korporativnog upravljanja koji su donijele Hrvatska agencija za nadzor financijskih usluga i Zagrebačka burza. Ovi kodeksi promiču odgovorno upravljanje i nadzor poslovnih i upravljačkih funkcija dioničkih društava, štiteći tako interese investitora i dioničara. Važnost zakonodavnih okvira korporativnog upravljanja ne može se prenaglasiti, jer oni stvaraju pravnu i regulatornu infrastrukturu koja štiti sve dionike tržišta kapitala i promiče transparentnost, integritet i odgovornost. U radu se obrađuje i utjecaj tržišta vrijednosnih papira na korporativno upravljanje, istražujući kako tržište utječe na cijene dionica, prava dioničara i likvidnost tržišta. Razumijevanje ovih okvira ključno je za održavanje ravnoteže između ekonomskih i socijalnih ciljeva korporacija te za osiguranje održivog i odgovornog poslovanja u suvremenom poslovnom okruženju.
Abstract (english) Corporate governance is a key element of any economic structure, and this thesis presents the legislative framework of corporate governance in the Republic of Croatia and how these frameworks affect the economy, societies, investors and the securities market. Corporate governance is defined as a complex system of relationships between management, shareholders of various sizes, and other interest groups within corporations. It plays a key role in sustainable economic growth, increasing the efficiency of the economic system and enables easier access to external sources of capital, which makes it an extremely important aspect of modern business. The legislative framework of corporate governance in the Republic of Croatia includes a number of laws and regulations that regulate various aspects of this system. This paper examines the most important laws affecting corporate governance in Croatia, including the Capital Markets Act and, and Law on Trading Companies Analyzes, their impact on corporations and shareholders. Also, the OECD Corporate Governance Code, which provides guidelines for good corporate governance, and the Corporate Governance Code adopted by the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency and the Zagreb Stock Exchange are presented. These codes promote responsible management and supervision of the business and management functions of joint-stock companies, thus protecting the interests of investors and shareholders. The importance of corporate governance legislative frameworks cannot be overemphasized, as they create a legal and regulatory infrastructure that protects all capital market stakeholders and promotes transparency, integrity and accountability. The paper also deals with the influence of the securities market on corporate governance, investigating how the market affects stock prices, shareholder rights and market liquidity. Understanding these frameworks is essential for maintaining a balance between the economic and social goals of corporations and for ensuring sustainable and responsible operations in the modern business environment.
Ključne riječi: korporativno upravljanje
Keywords (english)
Keywords: corporate governance
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:281:076212
Study programme Title: Business Administration – MBA; specializations in: Financial Management, Taxes and Business Law, Human Resources and Knowledge Management, Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management, Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management, Behavioral Economics, Analytical Management Course: Financial Management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: magistar poslovnog upravljanja (magistar poslovnog upravljanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-06-26 06:35:52