Abstract | Ovaj diplomski rad govori o važnosti suvremene regulacije rada poslovnih banaka kako bi se osigurala stabilnost ključna za održavanje likvidnosti kako korisnika financijskog sustava, tako i ekonomije zemalja i Europske unije u cjelini. Poslovne banke djeluju kao okosnice financijskih sustava posredništvom između štediša i investitora alocirajući kapital od suficitarnih prema deficitarnim korisnicima te tako omogućavaju protok kapitala, osiguravaju tekuću potrošnju i podržavaju gospodarske aktivnosti. S obzirom na tako bitnu ulogu, čvrsta regulacija bankarskih sustava postala je imperativ te služi kao štit financijske stabilnosti i zaštite potrošača. U Republici Hrvatskoj te Europskoj uniji bankarski je sektor određen nizom regulatornih okvira koji služe kao zaštita svim korisnicima usluga financijskih institucija posebice fizičkih i pravnih osoba te državnih institucija. U opisivanju regulatornih mehanizama fokus je stavljen na europske zaštitne mehanizme te one domaće unutar Republike Hrvatske. Istraživanje će obuhvatiti analiziranje zakonskih akata te studije slučaja kako bi se dobio sveobuhvatan uvid u stanje te prednosti i nedostatke trenutnih regulatornih metoda bankarskih sustava. Kao primjer istaknut će se pravna neusklađenost najveće europske banke Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) te će biti opisana problematika regulacije navedene financijske institucije koja posluje na tržištima diljem svijeta kako onim reguliranim, tako i slabije reguliranim odnosno tržištima u tranziciji i razvoju. |
Abstract (english) | This thesis discusses the importance of modern regulation of commercial banks to ensure the stability crucial for maintaining the liquidity of financial system users as well as the economy of countries and the European Union as a whole. Commercial banks act as the backbone of financial systems by intermediating between savers and investors, allocating capital from surplus to deficit users, thereby enabling capital flow, ensuring ongoing consumption, and supporting economic activities. Given their vital role, stringent regulation of banking systems has become imperative as a shield for financial stability and consumer protection. In the Republic of Croatia and the European Union, the banking sector is enclosed by a series of regulatory frameworks that serve to protect all users of financial institution services, both individuals and legal entities, as well as state institutions. The focus of describing regulatory mechanisms is placed on European protective mechanisms and those within the Republic of Croatia. Focus will also be on the legal non-compliance within Europe's largest bank, Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC), and the issue of regulating this financial institution, which operates in markets worldwide, both regulated and less regulated, i.e., in transitional and developing markets. The research will encompass an examination of legal acts, and case studies to provide a comprehensive insight into the state, advantages, and disadvantages of current regulatory methods of banking systems. |
Study programme | Title: Business Administration – MBA; specializations in: Financial Management, Taxes and Business Law, Human Resources and Knowledge Management, Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management, Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management, Behavioral Economics, Analytical Management Course: Taxes and Business Law Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: magistar poslovnog upravljanja (magistar poslovnog upravljanja) |