Author Nika Kalember
Mentor Bojan Tomić (mentor)
Granter EFFECTUS university Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-11-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract U ovom se radu analizira mogućnost primjene blockchain tehnologije na tržištu nekretnina te se istražuje kako ova inovativna tehnologija može unaprijediti postojeće sustave i procese na tržištu nekretnina. Tržište nekretnina, kao jedan od stupova ekonomije svake države, učestalo prolazi kroz promjene i prilagodbe na brojne izazove. Odgovor na nedostatak transparentnosti, sporost transakcija i visoke troškove može se pronaći jedino kroz nove tehnologije jer je gotovo nemoguće dobiti isti učinak samo kroz promjene ponašanja, pravila, navike i naslijeđene procese na samome tržištu. Blockchain tehnologija, kroz distribuiranu bazu podataka, nudi potencijalna rješenja za transparentne i sigurne transakcije, eliminaciju nepotrebnih posrednika, uštedu vremena potrebnog za finaliziranje transakcija te mogućnost primjene pametnih ugovora. Kroz primjenu blockchain tehnologije omogućeni su pružanje veće transparentnosti dionika i lakše ostvarivanje vlasničkih prava. Digitalni registri dostupni svim sudionicima smanjili bi potrebu za dugotrajnim provjerama i korištenjem trećih strana, odnosno institucija koje po naravi funkcioniranja imaju dugotrajnije procese. Uz to, blockchain omogućava brže i sigurnije transakcije te smanjuje rizik krađe podataka i njihove manipulacije, također bez potrebe za trećim stranama i dodatnim troškovima. Pametnim ugovorima moglo bi se automatizirati ključne procese u prijenosu vlasništva i isplate jer bi se njihovom uporabom i postizanjem automatizacije procesa zamijenila potreba za tabularnim izjavama i uslugama javnog bilježnika, što uz uštedu vremena smanjuje i rizik ljudske pogreške te omogućava bržu realizaciju ugovora.
Abstract (english) This thesis analyses the potential application of Blockchain Technology in the real estate market and explores the way in which this innovative technology can improve existing systems and processes within the industry. The real estate market, as a cornerstone of every nation’s economy, is continuously undergoing changes and adjustments to various challenges. Addressing the lack of transparency, slow transactions and high costs can only be achieved through new technologies, as it is nearly impossible to resolve these issues simply through behavioural changes and alterations in regulations, habits or inherited market processes. Blockchain technology, through its distributed database, offers potential solutions for transparent and secure transactions and the elimination of unnecessary intermediaries, as well as time savings in finalizing transactions and the application of smart contracts. By implementing the Blockchain Technology it is possible to achieve greater transparency among stakeholders and easier enforcement of property rights. Digital registries that are accessible to all participants would reduce the need for lengthy checks and the use of third parties or institutions that naturally require longer processes. Furthermore, Blockchain enables faster and more secure transactions as is reduces the risk of data theft and manipulation, also without the need for third parties and additional costs. Smart contracts could automate key processes in property transfers and payments, but also replace notary services and formal declarations. This would not only save time but also reduce the risk of human error and therefore enable quicker contract executions.
Ključne riječi: tržište nekretnina
ključni dionici tržišta kapitala
pametni ugovori
automatizacija procesa
Keywords (english)
Key words: real estate market
key players in the capital market
smart contracts
automated processes
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:281:226535
Study programme Title: Business Administration – MBA; specializations in: Financial Management, Taxes and Business Law, Human Resources and Knowledge Management, Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management, Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management, Behavioral Economics, Analytical Management Course: Financial Management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: magistar poslovnog upravljanja (magistar poslovnog upravljanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-12-15 12:39:30