Abstract | Rad je podijeljen na više cjelina te svaka od cjelina sadrži nekoliko poglavlja, svaka od cjelina detaljno je objašnjena. U prvom, uvodnom djelu opisan je predmet istraživanja, njegova svrha i cilj te metodologija te sam sadržaj i struktura rada. Zatim u drugom poglavlju predstavljen je je općenito pojam leasinga, njegov razvoj tijekom povijesti u svijetu i u Republici Hrvatskoj. Treće poglavlje približava zakonsku regulativu leasinga, pojašnjava što je zakon o leasingu te koji su glavni organi leasing društva kao dioničkog društva te kao društva s ograničenom odgovornošću. U nastavku su predočeni subjekti u poslovima leasinga te što je ugovor o leasingu i koji su bitni podaci koje mora sadržavati i troškovi i naknade koje je korisnik leasinga dužan plaćati. Četvrto poglavlje pobliže objašnjava koje sve vrste leasinga postoje. Peto poglavlje se odnosi na prednosti i nedostatke financiranja leasinga kojima se jasnije vidi zašto je dobro koristiti ovu vrstu financiranja i zašto ne. U ovom poglavlju prikazan je primjer financiranja vozila putem financijskog i operativnog leasinga te napraviti njihova usporedba. Šesto poglavlje približava leasing tržište u Republici Hrvatskoj; njegov razvoj, broj leasing društava koje posluju, statistički podaci o njihovom poslovanju, broj aktivnih ugovora te će se napraviti usporedba sa zemljama Europe. Sedmo poglavlje je empirijsko istraživanje o korištenju i poznavanju leasinga kao modela financiranja, prikazuje rezultate anketnog istraživanja nakon što se u prethodnim dijelovima rada obradila tematika leasinga. Na samom kraju rada donijet je subjektivni zaključak o temi rada. |
Abstract (english) | The work is divided into several parts, and each part contains several chapters, each part is explained in detail. In the first, introductory part, the subject of the research, its purpose and goal, methodology, and the content and structure of the work are described. Then, in the second chapter, the general concept of leasing, its development throughout history in the world and in the Republic of Croatia is presented. The third chapter approaches the legal regulation of leasing, explains what the law on leasing is and which are the main bodies of the leasing company as a joint-stock company and as a limited liability company. In the following, the subjects in the leasing business are presented, what is a leasing contract and what are the important data that it must contain, as well as the costs and fees that the leasing user is obliged to pay. The fourth chapter explains in more detail what types of leasing exist. The fifth chapter refers to the advantages and disadvantages of leasing financing, which show more clearly why it is good to use this type of financing and why not. In this chapter, an example of vehicle financing through financial and operational leasing is presented and their comparison is made. The sixth chapter approaches the leasing market in the Republic of Croatia; its development, the number of leasing companies operating, statistical data on their operations, the number of active contracts, and a comparison with European countries will be made. The seventh chapter is an empirical study on the use and knowledge of leasing as a financing model, it shows the results of a survey after the previous parts of the paper dealt with the topic of leasing. At the very end of the work, a subjective conclusion was made on the topic of the work. |
Study programme | Title: Business Administration – MBA; specializations in: Financial Management, Taxes and Business Law, Human Resources and Knowledge Management, Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management, Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management, Behavioral Economics, Analytical Management Course: Financial Management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: magistar poslovnog upravljanja (magistar poslovnog upravljanja) |