Title Model aplikacije CRM sustava u gradsku upravu
Title (english) The model of application of CRM system in local municipality
Author Tin Slatković
Mentor Branimir Dukić (mentor)
Committee member Drago Ružić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Branimir Dukić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Kelić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2019-01-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Razvitak suvremene informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije omogućava značajne promjene i u sferi interakcije lokalne samouprave s njezinim građanima. Dok se u prošlosti demokracija odnosila isključivo na posredni delegatski oblik demokracije, danas se sve više daje naglasak neposrednim oblicima demokracije. Neposredna demokracija podrazumijeva neposredno uključivanje stanovništva u procese odlučivanja, posebice na lokalnoj razini, primarno kroz spoznavanje potreba stanovnika, s jedne, te kroz praćenje zadovoljstva stanovništva određenim aktivnostima ili projektima uprave, odnosno samouprave s druge strane. Ako se na ovaj način sagleda problem primarne aplikacije neposredne demokracije, tada se lako uspostavlja analogija s marketing konceptom, posebice s konceptom marketing odnosa koji podrazumijeva istraživanje individualnih i personaliziranih potrebe potrošača, zadovoljavanje tih potreba, kao i analizu zadovoljstva potrošača konzumiranim proizvodima, odnosno uslugama. Da bi se to postiglo potrebno je uspostaviti i održavati kontinuirani tijek informiranja. Upravo to je primarni problem za svaku lokalnu samoupravu, jer je nedvojbeno prisutna nedovoljna informiranost s jedne strane gradske uprave o potrebama građana, a s druge strane građana o događanjima, problemima u gradu, samom radu gradske uprave, a to implicira nedostatak interakcije građana i gradske uprave. Nedvojbeno je da u trenutnim demokratskim procesima i sve izraženijom potrebom javnosti za transparentnosti u poslovanju gradske uprave, primjena CRM koncepta ima značajnu ulogu. Važnost uspostavljanja odnosima građana i gradske uprave ne ogleda se samo u marketinškom smislu nego i u povećanoj otvorenosti i pristupačnosti gradske uprave građanima, kao i u povećanju efikasnosti djelovanja javne uprave. Gradska uprava u svoj djelokrug interesa mora uključiti građane i to na način da neposredno odlučuju o smjeru razvoja grada. Kako građani percipiraju potencijalne napore gradske uprave za zadovoljavanjem njihovih potreba, te mogućnost aplikacije CRM sustava u rad gradske uprave bili su u fokusu provedenog istraživanja anketiranjem. Kao poligon korišten je Grad Zaprešić, a dobiveni rezultati istraživanja mogu se sintetizirati u zaključku kako postoje objektivne potrebe i mogućnosti aplikacije CRM sustava u rad gradskih uprava.
Abstract (english) Development of the contemporary informational communicational technology has allowed meaningful alterations in the sphere of interaction between local self-government with its citizens. Whilst in past democracy only meant proximate representative form of democracy, its emphasis today is mostly on intermediary forms of the democracy. The proximate democracy implicates proximate involvement of the citizens in decision making processes, especially on a local level, primarily through understanding the needs of citizens and on the other hand monitoring satisfaction of citizens with specific activities or projects implemented by local government, respectively with satisfaction of the local government as well. Seeing the problem of the primary application of the proximate democracy from this aspect, then the analogy with marketing concept is easily established, especially with the concept of marketing relations which includes the research of individual and personalized needs of the consumers, complying those needs, as well as the analysis of the consumer satisfaction with products and services. In order to accomplish that it is crucial to establish and maintain constant informing. Exactly this is the primary problem for every local self – government , because undoubtedly there is a lack of information from the local government's part on one hand, and on the other hand a lack of information from the citizens about events, problems in the city, content with the local government's functioning, which implies shortage of the interaction between the citizens and the local government. In current democratic processes and with accentuated public need for transparency it is arguably that the appliance of the CRM concept has a significant role. The importance of establishing relations between citizens and local government does not have to be seen only in marketing entity, but also in increased openness and accessibility of the local government towards the citizens, and in increasing the efficiency of the local government actions. The local government must involve the citizens in its activities in a way which allows immediate decision making concerning the development of the city. The way of citizen's perception of the potential efforts of the local government in meeting their needs, and possibility of applications of CRM system into operations of the local government were the focus of research enforced through a survey. City Zaprešić was used as a paradigm and the results of the research can be synthesized in the conclusion according to which there are objective needs and possibility of application of the CRM systems in operating of the local government.
marketing odnosa
upravljanje odnosima s potrošačima
lokalna uprava i samouprava
neposredna demokracija
Keywords (english)
relationship marketing
customer relationship management
local government and self-government
direct democracy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:747434
Study programme Title: Postgraduate Specialist Study Marketing Special areas Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalistica marketinga posebnih područja (sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalistica marketinga posebnih područja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-04-05 08:30:41