Abstract | Ministarstvo obrane i Oružane snage odgovorni su za obranu i zaštitu suverenosti i
teritorijalnog integriteta Republike Hrvatske. Ulaskom RH u NATO ostvarene su ogromne
mogućnosti gospodarskog razvoja zemlje. Oružane snage su poveznica gospodarstva RH i
gospodarstva članica NATO tako što se promoviraju kroz nastupe hrvatskih gospodarstvenika
na inozemnim tržištima, a koji se bave vojnom proizvodnjom. Zbog svoje javne uloge HV
dužna je informirati građane o svojim zadaćama, radu i upravljanju javnim resursima. Da bi
vojska preživjela u budućnosti mora, između ostalog, i pridobivati povjerenje i potporu
javnosti. Samostalna služba za odnose s javnošću i izdavaštvo Ministarstva obrane koordinira
uspostavljanje i održavanje komunikacije s građanima i ostalim javnostima i na taj način
pokušava utjecati na osjećaj sigurnosti i povjerenja u HV i njezin rad. U završnom radu "Odnosi
s javnošću u OS RH i njihov značaj” navedena tema obrađena je u sljedećih pet poglavlja. U
prvom poglavlju govori se o povijesti nastanka i razvoju HV kao i o suvremenim zahtjevima i
organizaciji koji su danas postavljeni pred nju. Na početku drugog poglavlja donose se
definicije odnosa s javnošću, što je to javnost i potreba za informacijom, a kasnije se opisuje
svrha, zadaća i funkcije odnosa s javnošću u oružanim snagama. Posebno je važno izgraditi
dobar odnos i komunikaciju s medijima budući da oni imaju veliki utjecaj na formiranje javnog
mišljenja, što se navodi u trećem poglavlju. Odora je zasigurno jedan od najučinkovitijih načina
uspostavljanja poslovnog identiteta vojske, te se u četvrtom dijelu detaljno opisuje vizualni
identitet pripadnika oružanih snaga. U identitet HV bi se mogla ubrojiti i obrambena industrija,
te se na kraju opisuje hrvatska obrambena industrija i njezine koristi za gospodarstvo RH u
cjelini, kao jedan od produkata dobrih odnosa s javnošću. |
Abstract (english) | The Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia are
responsible for the defense and protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the
Republic of Croatia. With the entry of the Republic of Croatia into NATO, enormous
opportunities for economic development of the country were achieved. Armed forces are a link
between the economy of the Republic of Croatia and the economy of NATO members by
promoting them through the appearances of Croatian businessmen in foreign markets dealing
with military production. Due to its public role, the Croatian Army is obliged to inform citizens
about their tasks, work and management of public resources. For the army to survive in the
future, it must, among other things, gain public trust and support. Independent Public Relations
and Publishing Services.of the Ministry of Defense coordinates the establishment and
maintenance of communication with citizens and other public and thus attempts to influence
the feeling of security and confidence in the Croatian Army and its work. In this postgraduate
thesis, "Relations with the Public in the Croatian Armed Forces and their Importance", the
mentioned topic was elaborated in the following five chapters. The first chapter deals with the
history of the emergence and development of the Croatian Army as well as the contemporary
demands and organization that have been set before it. At the beginning of the second chapter,
the definitions of public relations, what is the public and the need for information are made, and
later, it describes the purpose, tasks and functions of public relations in the armed forces. It is
particularly important to build a good relationship and communication with the media as they
have a major influence on the formation of public opinion, as stated in third chapter. The dress
is surely one of the most effective ways of establishing a business identity of the military, so
the fourth chapter describes in detail the visual identity of the armed forces. The defense
industry could also be counted in the identity of the Croatian Army, and so, last chapter
describes the Croatian defense industry and its benefits to the economy of the Republic of
Croatia as a whole, as one of the products of good public relations. |