Title Kreativni gradovi i kreativna industrija
Title (english) Creative cities and creative industry
Author Marijana Knežević
Mentor Jasna Horvat (mentor)
Mentor Josipa Mijoč (mentor)
Committee member Josipa Mijoč (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Stanić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasna Horvat (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek (Chair of Quantitative Methods and Informatics) Osijek
Defense date and country 2019-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Kreativni grad i kreativni sektor su pojmovi koji se danas sve češće susreću, ali su nepoznanica
široj javnosti. Kreativna industrija je novo područje ekonomije, pa postaje jednim od
suvremenih pokazatelja ekonomskog rasta država. Teorijski okvir rada izgrađen je
istraživanjem i analizom postojećih informacija iz znanstvenih članaka, istraživačkih radova,
književnih djela i drugih izvora koji obuhvaćaju teme kreativnog grada i kreativne industrije.
Cilj rada prikazati je razvoj kreativnog
... More grada i istražiti značaj kreativne industrije u današnjem,
dinamičnom gospodarstvu. Kreativni gradovi potiču inovacije, razvijaju nove tehnologije, rast
ekonomije i zadržavaju financijska sredstva čime povećavaju napredak grada i šireg područja.
Rad se sastoji od četiri dijela. Prvi dio, uvod je u temu, definiraju se pojmovi grad, kreativni
grad, pametni grad i kreativne klase, te sadrži kratki pregleda povijesnog razvoja gradova, a
zatim i opis elemenata kreativnog i kulturnog razvoja gradova, razvoja kreativne industrije i
njenih sektora. Drugi dio rada su osvrt i rezultati na prethodna istraživanja i služi kao podloga
za daljnju raspravu. Treći dio rada opisuje mrežu kreativnih gradova, sektore i institucije koje
mreže gradova obuhvaćaju, objašnjava zbog čega je kreativna industrija važna za razvoj
gospodarstva i bolji život građana, te kakva je povezanost projekata, kreativnih gradova i
razvoja mreže gradova. Također priložen je primjer analize projekta Sveučilišne knjižnice grada
Osijeka i povezanost između projekta i razvoja grada. Zatim slijedi sinteza prethodnih dijelova
rada, kao četvrti dio rada koji je osvrt na prethodne dijelove rada i donosi se zaključak o temi.
Gradovi koji prepoznaju svoje kulturno bogatstvo, te se uspijevaju specijalizirati i brendirati,
samostalno izgrađuju svoju gospodarsku i kulturnu budućnost. Kako je riječ o procesu u kojem
kreativni pojedinci generiraju kreativne prostore, ali i obratno, o procesu u kojem kreativni
prostori umnažaju kreativne pojedince, razvoj kreativnih industrija osigurava rast kreativnog
grada. Less
Abstract (english) The creative city and the creative sector are terms that are increasingly encountered today, but
still unknown to the general public. The creative industry is new area of economy, so it becomes
one of contemporary indicators of the economic growth. Framework of the paper is built by
researching and analyzing existing information from scientific articles, research papers, literary
works and other sources covering the topic of the creative city and the creative industry. The
aim of this
... More paper is to show development of the creative city and to explore importance of the
creative industry in today's dynamic economy. Creative cities stimulate innovations,
development of new technologies, encourage the economy and retain financial resources,
enhancing the progress of the city and the wider region.
The paper is consisted of four parts. The first part is an introduction to the topic, with the defined
terms of the city, creative city, smart city and creative classes, and is giving a brief overview of
the historical development of cities, followed by a description of the elements of creative and
cultural development of the cities, the creative industry and its sectors. The second part of the
paper is showing the results of previous research and it is a base for further discussion. The
third part of the paper describes the network of creative cities, and its covered sectors and
institutions, explaining why the creative industry is important for economic development and
better life for citizens, and the relationship between projects, creative cities and development of
the city network. Also, includes an example of an analysis of the project of the University
Library of the city of Osijek and the connection between the project and the development of the
city. This is followed by a synthesis of the previous parts of the paper, as fourth part of the
paper which is the review of previous parts of the paper and the conclusion on the topic.
Cities that recognize their cultural wealth and manage to specialize and brand themselves, they
can build their economic and cultural future. The process in which creative individuals generate
creative spaces, but vice versa, a process in which creative spaces multiply creative individuals,
the development of creative industries ensures the growth of the creative city. Less
kreativni grad
pametni grad
mreža gradova
kreativna industrija
Keywords (english)
creative city
smart city
city network
creative industry
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:958273
Study programme Title: Business economy; specializations in: Management Course: Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-02-11 13:45:32