Author Zvonimir Jurković
Mentor Boris Crnković (mentor)
Committee member Željko Požega (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Helena Štimac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Dukić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2020-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 658 - Business management, administration. Commercial organization
Abstract U današnjem svijetu turbulentnih društvenih, gospodarskih i tehnoloških promjena,
cjeloživotno učenje i obrazovanje ima istaknutu ulogu i predstavlja jednu od odrednica
uspjeha, kako pojedinca, tako i poduzeća, čime doprinosi prosperitetu cjelokupne zajednice.
Menadžeri 21. stoljeća nalaze se pred brojnim izazovima na putu ka postizanju veće
efikasnosti, produktivnosti i konkurentnosti organizacije kojom upravljaju. Cjeloživotno
obrazovanje nameće se u takvim okolnostima kao čimbenik koji
... More smanjuje jaz i uspostavlja
ravnotežu između rada, učenja i neizbježnih promjena. Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazala su
kako je Republika Hrvatska znatno ispod europskog prosjeka po pitanju uključivanja odraslih
u sustav cjeloživotnog obrazovanja. Stoga ni ne iznenađuje da temi cjeloživotnog obrazovanja
menadžera u našoj znanstvenoj i stručnoj javnosti nije posvećena odgovarajuća pozornost. U
tom kontekstu, intencija je doktorske disertacije bila otkriti nove i proširiti postojeće spoznaje
o cjeloživotnom obrazovanju hrvatskih menadžera. Glavni cilj rada bio je istražiti percepciju i
stavove menadžera o cjeloživotnom obrazovanju te utvrditi njegov utjecaj na razvoj vlastitih
potencijala i uspješnost poslovanja poduzeća.
Sa svrhom dobivanja odgovora na istraživačka pitanja i testiranja postavljenih hipoteza
provedena je anketa. Prema rezultatima analize podataka, anketirani menadžeri svjesni su
važnosti i koristi cjeloživotnog obrazovanja, ali je relativno malo onih koji se formalno
obrazuju. Istraživanje je nadalje pokazalo da menadžeri ipak u nešto većem postotku
participiraju u neformalnom, a najviše u informalnom obrazovanju. Rezultati analize također
sugeriraju da hrvatski menadžeri uglavnom nisu zadovoljni ponudom i kvalitetom programa
cjeloživotnog obrazovanja te smatraju da oni ne odgovaraju njihovim potrebama i interesima.
U okviru istraživanja utvrđeno je i da se niti jedan od analiziranih faktora ne može izdvojiti
kao nepremostiva prepreka u namjeri menadžera da se permanentno obrazuju. Na temelju
odgovora ispitanika zaključeno je i da su se oni, iako ne u potpunosti, skloni složiti da
cjeloživotno obrazovanje pridonosi razvoju njihovih kompetencija i predstavlja čimbenik
unaprjeđenja poslovanja. Iako ne zanemaruju ni važnost ostalih područja cjeloživotnog
obrazovanja, menadžeri su kao najvažnija izdvojili upravljanje ljudskim resursima, vođenje,
poslovnu komunikaciju i pregovaranje te menadžersko odlučivanje. Osim toga, oni se u
određenim stavovima, s obzirom na sociodemografska obilježja i karakteristike firmi u kojima
rade, statistički značajno razlikuju, dok postoje i pitanja u pogledu kojih razlike nisu signifikantne.
Sveukupno, moguće je izdvojiti pojedine bitne prediktore razlika u stavovima i
percepciji menadžera. O njima je potrebno voditi računa pri kreiranju programa cjeloživotnog
obrazovanja za pojedine specifične skupine menadžera. Spoznaje do kojih se istraživanjem
došlo nedvojbeno u velikoj mjeri doprinose boljem razumijevanju problematike cjeloživotnog
obrazovanja menadžera i predstavljaju temelj za njegovo poboljšanje na svim razinama. Less
Abstract (english) In today's world of turbulent social, economic and technological changes, lifelong learning
and education has a prominent role and represents one of the determinants of success, both of
an individual and a company, thus contributing to the prosperity of the entire community. 21st
century managers face numerous challenges on the way to achieving greater efficiency,
productivity and competitiveness of the organisation they manage. In such circumstances,
lifelong learning arises as a factor
... More that narrows the gap and strikes a balance between work,
learning and inevitable changes. Previous research has shown that the Republic of Croatia is
placed significantly below the European average regarding involvement of adults in the
lifelong learning system. Therefore, it is not surprising that the topic of lifelong education of
managers has not yet received adequate attention in our scientific and professional
community. In that context, the intention of the doctoral thesis was to discover new and
expand existing knowledge about lifelong education of Croatian managers. The main aim of
the paper was to examine the perception of and attitudes of managers towards lifelong
learning and to determine its impact on the development of their own potential and the
success of the company.
In order to obtain answers to the research questions and to test the set hypotheses, a survey
was conducted. According to the results of data analysis, surveyed managers are aware of the
importance and benefits of lifelong learning, but relatively few are formally educated. The
research further showed that a slightly higher percentage of managers still participate in nonformal, and most of them in informal education. The results of the analysis also suggest that
Croatian managers are generally dissatisfied with the offer and the quality of lifelong learning
programmes and believe that they do not meet their needs and interests. The research also
established that none of the analysed factors can be singled out as an insurmountable obstacle
in the intention of managers to be continuously educated. Based on the answers of the
respondents, it was concluded that they tend to agree, although not completely, that lifelong
learning contributes to the development of their competencies and presents a factor in
improving business. Although they do not neglect the importance of other areas of lifelong
learning, managers have singled out human resources management, leadership, business
communication and negotiation, and managerial decision-making as the most important. In
addition, they statistically significantly differ in certain attitudes, with regard to the sociodemographic features and characteristics of the companies in which they work, while there
are also issues where the differences are not significant. Overall, certain relevant predictors of
differences in attitudes and perceptions of managers can be singled out. They need to be taken
into account when creating lifelong learning programmes for particular specific groups of
managers. The findings of the research undoubtedly greatly contribute to a better
understanding of the issue of lifelong education of managers and represent the basis for its
improvement at all levels. Less
cjeloživotno učenje i obrazovanje
unaprjeđenje poslovanja
menadžment poduzeća
stavovi i percepcija
Keywords (english)
lifelong learning and education
improving business
company management
attitudes and perception
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:105386
Promotion 2020
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral study Management Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-10-29 07:17:18