Abstract | U ovome radu će se pisati o genetski modificiranim organizmima (GMO), kako je došlo do
otkrića, koje prednosti i nedostatke donose ljudima i okolišu. Moglo bi se reći da je to vrlo
aktualna tema u svijetu jer ima puno onih koji su za primjenu GMO-a i onih koji su protiv.
Puno se raspravljalo o GMO-u jer bitno utječe na prehranu, zdravlje i živote ljudi, a zbog
današnjeg razvijenog društva, ljudi su u mogućnosti birati kako će živjeti, a pretpostavka je da
većina želi živjeti zdravo, odnosno nalaze se u nedoumici oko toga jesu li GMO-i zdravi ili
ne. GMO omogućava jeftiniju proizvodnju hrane, a to rezultira većom zaradom proizvođača i
nižom cijenom hrane u odnosu na proizvodnju ekološke hrane. Upravo zbog tih razloga, te još
nekih ostalih, dolazi do rasprava između pristalica GMO-a i onih koji su protiv. Bez obzira
koliko ona bila jeftinija za proizvodnju i imala neke druge prednosti, velik postotak ljudi se
zalaže da bi se takvi proizvodi trebali zabraniti jer razvojem i konzumiranjem takve hrane i
proizvoda, štetimo sami sebi, a ljudski život i okoliš su vrlo bitni kako bi nastavili živjeti i
razvijati se na prirodan i pravilan način. Kako bi se zaštitilo potrošače od prevelikog utjecaja
tvrtki koje se bave proizvodnjom i prodajom GMO-a, države i ostale institucije uvode
određene zakone i ograničenja. No prije svega potrebno je i objasniti što je zapravo GMO jer
većina društva je protiv njih, a zapravo veliki postotak ih ne zna što su. |
Abstract (english) | This paper will talk about genetically modified organisms (GMOs), how it came to light, what
advantages and disadvantages they bring to humans and the environment. You could say that
this is a very revelant topic in the world because there are many who are in favor of applying
GMOs and those who are against it. There is a lot of debate about GMOs as it has a major
impact on people's nutrition, health and lives, and because of today's advanced society, people
are able to choose how they will live, and the assumption is that most want to live healthy, or
are in doubt about it whether GMOs are healthy or not. GMOs allow cheaper food
production, which results in higher producer eamings and lower food costs than organic food
production. Because of these reasons, and some others, it comes a debate between GMO
supporters and those who are against it. No matter how much cheaper it is to produce and
some other benefits, a large percentage of people stands that such products should be banned
because by developing and consuming such foods and products, we are hanning ourselves,
and human life and the environment are very important in order to continue to live and
develop in a natural and proper way. In order to protect consumers from the enonnous
influence of GMO manufactures and sales companies, states and other institutions introduce
certain laws and restrictions. But above all, it is also necessary to explain what GMOs really
are, because most of society is against them, and in fact a large percentage of them do not
know what they are. |