Abstract | Proračun je akt kojim se procjenjuju prihodi i primitci te rashodi i izdatci za određeno razdoblje,
najčešće od jedne godine. Sastoji se od općeg, posebnog dijela i plana razvojnih programa.
Postoje tri razine proračuna opće države, a to su državni proračun, proračun izvan proračunskih
korisnika i javna poduzeća te proračun lokalnih jedinica. U ovom završnom radu analiziran je
proračun lokalnih jedinica na primjeru Grada Belišća. Belišće je malen grad u Osječkobaranjskoj
županiji koji je od svojih početaka bio poznat po papirnoj industriji, zahvaljujući
tvrtki Kombinat. No nakon raspada Kombinata, velik broj ljudi je ostao nezaposlen te je došlo
do općeg pada gospodarstva. Danas se Belišće polako oporavlja, a putem proračuna je
analiziran progres u razdoblju od pet godina. S obzirom da su Belišće i Valpovo susjedni
gradovi sličnog razvojnog napretka, napravljena je usporedba općih karakteristika gradova i
proračuna. Podatci proračuna pretvoreni su u usporedive u odnosu na broj stanovnika, te je
nadalje na temelju tih podataka napravljena simulacija zajedničkog proračuna, s posebnim
naglaskom na simulaciju zajedničke uprave. Na temelju simulacije donesen je zaključak. |
Abstract (english) | The budget is an act that estimates revenues, receipts and expenditures, expenses for a certain
period, usually one year. It consists of a general part, a special part and a plan of development
programs. There are three levels of the general government budget, namely the state budget,
the budget outside the budget users and public enterprises, and the budget of local units. In this
final paper, the budget of local units is analyzed on the example of the City of Belišće. Belišće
is a small town in Osijek-Baranja County that has been known for its paper industry since its
beginnings, thanks to the company Kombinat. However, after the collapse of Kombinat, a large
number of people remained unemployed and there was a general decline in the economy.
Today, Belišće is slowly recovering, and through the budget a progress over a five-year period
was analyzed. Given that Belišće and Valpovo are neighboring cities of similar development
progress, they are compared with the general characteristics of cities and budgets. Budget data
were compared in relation to the number of inhabitants, and then the simulations of the joint
budget were continued on this data, with special emphasis on the simulation of the joint
administration. Based on the simulation, a conclusion was drawn. |