Abstract | Turizam se odnosi na sve aktivnosti koje osoba provodi izvan svoje sredine, odnosno izvan
svog prebivališta, neovisno radi li se o odmoru, poslovnom putu ili nekom drugom razlogu,
najduže godinu dana. Pod pojmom turist, smatra se osoba koja putuje radi zadovoljstva,
dobrovoljno, privremeno. To mu zadovoljstvo može pružiti promjene i novosti, koje osoba
doživljava na svom putovanju.
Turizam je jedan od glavnih pokretača Republike Hrvatske te ima izuzetno važan utjecaj na
gospodarstvo. Veliki udio u BDP-u svakako je od turizma. Utječe i na zaposlenost unutar
zemlje, odnosno nezaposlenost je manja tijekom ljetnih mjeseci. Sve je ovo prikaz kako je
turizam jedna od najvažnijih grana unutar zemlje. Stoga mu se pridaje važnost, te se
kontinuirano radi na unapređenju istoga. Naravno, u turizmu postoje i brojni negativni
utjecaji,a jedan od najvažnijih je izrazita sezonalnost. Cilj ovoga rada je analizirati turizam
kao gospodarsku djelatnost Republike Hrvatske, analizirati koja je ponuda, pozitivne i
negativne ekonomske utjecaje. Nadalje, Turska i Grčka imaju sličnu sliku kao Hrvatska,
odnosno turizam ima veliki utjecaj na cjelokupno gospodarstvo, kao i naša zemlja. Stoga je u
radu također cilj usporediti turizam Grčke i Turske s turizmom Hrvatske. Prilikom pisanja
rada korišteni su podaci s interneta i literature. Svrha rada je dokazati da turizam ima izuzetnu
važnost u hrvatskom gospodarstvu te je jedan od glavnih stavki za rast i razvoj naše zemlje. |
Abstract (english) | Tourism refers to all activities that a person carries out outside his environment, ie outside his
residence, regardless of whether it is a vacation, business trip or some other reason, for a
maximum of one year. The term tourist is considered to be a person who travels for pleasure,
voluntarily, temporarily. This pleasure can provide him with changes and innovations, which
a person experiences on his journey.
Tourism is one of the main drivers of the Republic of Croatia and has an extremely important
impact on the economy. A large share of GDP is certainly from tourism. It also affects
employment within the country, unemployment is lower during the summer months. All this
is a display of how tourism is one of the most important branches within the country.
Therefore, it is given importance, and continuous work is being done to improve it. Of course,
there are many negative impacts in tourism, and one of the most important is the distinct
seasonality. The aim of this paper is to analyze tourism as an economic activity of the
Republic of Croatia, to analyze which is the supply, demand, which are positive and which
are negative economic impacts of tourism. Furthermore, Turkey and Greece have a similar
picture as Croatia, tourism has a great impact on the entire economy, as well as our country.
Therefore, the paper also aims to compare the tourism of Greece and Turkey with the tourism
of Croatia. Data from the Internet and literature were used in writing the paper. The purpose
of this paper is to prove that tourism is extremely important in the Croatian economy and is
one of the main items for the growth and development of our country. |