Abstract | Cijena, iako iznimno bitan element marketinškog spleta, nerijetko je zanemarena, što je često
uzrokovano kompleksnošću njezina upravljanja i osjetljivošću kupaca na promjene istih. Pri
kupčevom odabiru o kupovini konkretnog proizvoda ili usluge cijena nije jedini čimbenik koji na
tu odluku utječe. Zbog toga ju je iznimno bitno proučavati u odnosu na ostale elemente marketing
miksa. Za kupovinu proizvoda ili usluge kupac mora platiti određenu cijenu koju smatra vlastitim
ekonomskim gubitkom kojeg mora prihvatiti. Cijena ima kvantitativnu i kvalitativnu funkciju, a
često se izjednačava s pojmom vrijednosti. Osim ekonomskog gubitka cijena potrošaču može
signalizirati kvalitetu pojedinog proizvoda, u skladu s čim pojedinac proučava njegovu vrijednost
i zbog čega je u većoj ili manjoj mjeri spreman platiti točno određen iznos. Bitnu ulogu u kreiranju
ponude i potražnje imaju i potrošači koji u nekim situacijama mogu utjecati na oblikovanje cijene
određenih proizvoda. U radu je korištena nekolicina znanstvenih metoda kojima su obrađeni
podaci prikupljeni iz prikladnih materijala. Među tim se metodama najviše ističe metoda sinteze i
analize i to posebice pri razlaganju cjenovnih ciljeva, važnosti određivanja cijene, načina
oblikovanja cijena i metoda istog postupka. Pri tome se složeni pojmovi razlažu na proste elemente
nakon čega se proučava svaki od njih. Kroz rad su korištene deduktivna i deskriptivna metoda za
opis prikupljenih podataka, a metoda analize, između ostalog, korištena je pri analizi već
postojećih rezultata anketnih upitnika. Sve su prikupljene informacije sklopljene u smislenu
cjelinu metodom kompilacije. |
Abstract (english) | Price, although an extremely important element of the marketing mix, is often neglected, which is
often caused by the complexity of its management and the sensitivity of customers to changes.
When a customer chooses to buy a particular product or service, price is not the only factor
influencing that decision. Therefore, it is extremely important to study it in relation to other
elements of the marketing mix. For the purchase of a product or service, the buyer must pay a
certain price which he considers to be his own economic loss which he must accept. Price has a
quantitative and qualitative function, and is often equated with the notion of value. In addition to
the economic loss of prices, it can signal to the consumer the quality of an individual product, in
accordance with which the individual studies its value and why he is more or less willing to pay a
specific amount. Consumers also play an important role in creating supply and demand, and in
some situations they can influence the pricing of certain products. The paper uses several scientific
methods that process information collected from suitable materials. Among these methods, the
method of synthesis and analysis stands out the most, especially in the interpretation of price goals,
the importance of pricing, the way of pricing and the method of the same procedure. In doing so,
complex concepts are decomposed into simple elements, after which each of them is studied.
Throughout the paper, deductive and descriptive methods were used to describe the collected data,
and the method of analysis, among other things, was used in the analysis of already existing results
of survey questionnaires. All collected information is assembled into a meaningful whole by the
method of compilation. |