Abstract | Svrha završnog rada je istražiti dostupne statističke podatke i mogućnosti prilagodbe podataka
u okviru baze podataka Eurostat, službene baze podataka Europske unije. Cilj rada je istražiti
i predstaviti statističke podatke u okviru svake tematske zbirke Eurostata te, na temelju jedne
od zbirki, predstaviti načine pretrage, prilagodbe, preuzimanja i analiziranja dostupnih
podataka. U radu su korišteni sekundarni izvori podataka, a analiza podataka provedena je
metodama deskriptivne statistike. Završni rad donosi analizu zbirke Ekonomija i financije,
teme Bruto domaći proizvod po stanovniku prema standardu kupovne moći. Analiza je
provedena za deset zemalja povezanih s Europskom unijom u razdoblju od šest godina, a
rezultati su predstavljeni na nacionalnoj razini i uspoređeni s prosječnom vrijednosti Europske
U okvir usporedbe, odabrani su bruto domaći proizvodi 6 zemalja osnivačica Europske unije,
zatim Hrvatske, kao nove članice, koja je u Europsku uniju ušla u posljednjem proširenju,
Turske, kao zemlje kandidatkinje, Švicarske, kao članice EFTA – e te Ujedinjenog kraljevstva
Velike Britanije i Sjeverne Irske, koje je Uniju napustilo. Bruto domaći proizvod navedenih
zemalja uspoređivan je s prosjekom Europske unije. |
Abstract (english) | The purpose of the final work is to explore the available statistics and data customization
options within the Eurostat database, the official database of the European Union. The aim of
this paper is to research and present statistical data within each thematic collection of Eurostat
and on the base of one of the collections to present ways of searching, adjusting, downloading,
and analyzing available data. Secondary data sources were used in the paper, and data analysis
was performed by descriptive statistics methods. The final paper brings an analysis of the
collection Economy and finance, topic gross domestic product per capita according to the
standard of purchasing power. The analysis was conducted for ten countries associated with the
European Union over a period of six years, and the results were presented at the national
level and compared with the average value of the European Union.
The comparison include the gross domestic products of the 6 founding countries of the
European Union, Croatia as a new member that joined the European Union in the last
enlargement, Turkey as a candidate country, Switzerland as an EFTA member and the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland which left the Union. The gross domestic
product of these countries was compared with the European Union average. |