Abstract | Uvoz je kupovina dobara i usluga legalno proizvedenih u inozemstvu, no također predstavlja
svaki ulaz robe preko carinske granice, koja podliježe carinskomu postupku. Carinski postupak
ovisi o količini uvezene hrane, ali i zemlji iz koje se uvozi. Zakonodavnim postupcima donose
se brojni zakoni općenito o hrani, informiranju potrošača o hrani te zakoni o uvozu hrane iz
zemalja koje nisu članice EU-a, a utvrđuju ih nadležna tijela. U Hrvatskoj postoji Hrvatska
agencija za hranu, skraćeno HAH, čiji je osnivač Vlada RH, a djeluje u skladu sa Zakonom o
hrani, unutar portfelja Ministarstva poljoprivrede RH. Najveći razlog podlijeganja uvozu je taj
što zemlja u određenoj proizvodnji količine hrane nije samodostatna. Stupanj samodostatnosti
pokazuje u kojoj mjeri domaća proizvodnja pokriva sve potrebe odnosno domaću potrošnju
(ukupnu potrošnju za ljude, životinje i industriju). Zbog nemogućnosti ispunjavanja stupnja
samodostatnosti Hrvatska ima negativni saldo u vanjskotrgovinskoj razmjeni prehrambenih
proizvoda koji se iz godine u godinu povećava. Iako je nedostatna proizvodnja kod svih
kategorija mesa, u najvećoj mjeri se uvozi svinjsko meso te je prema podacima Hrvatska
najveći europski uvoznik svinjetine. No, jedino je vrijednost uvoza proizvoda ribarstva niža je
od vrijednosti izvoza zahvaljujući izvozu tune. Uvoz mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda također je
velik pa iz pojedinih tvrtki iznose kako se na domaćem tržištu kontinuirano plasiraju viškovi
iz EU koji domaćim proizvodima konkuriraju cijenom, ali nipošto i kvalitetom. Domaće tržište
voća i povrća obilježava negativna vanjsko-trgovinska bilanca i ovisnost o uvozu zato što je
Hrvatska manjkava u većini vrsta voća i povrća. |
Abstract (english) | Import is the purchase of goods and services legally produced Abroad, but it also represents
every entry of goods through the customs border, which are subject to custom procedure.
The customs procedure depends on the amount of imported food, but also the country from
which it is imported. Legislative procedures are adopted by numerous laws in general on food
products, consumer information about food products and laws on the import of products from
non-EU countries are determined by the Competent authorities. In Croatia there was a Croatian
agency for food, in short HAH, established by the Government of the republic of Croatia, and
operates in accordance with the Law on food, inside the portfolio of the Croatian Ministry of
Agriculture. The biggest reason of imports it is that the country is not self-sufficient in a certain
amount of food production. The degree of self-sufficiency shows to what extent domestic
production covers all the needs of domestic consumption (total consumption for humans,
animals, and industry). Because of the impossibility fulfilling the degree of self-sufficiency
Croatia has a negative balance in foreign trade in food products, which are growing from year
to year. Although production is not enough in all categories of meat, pork is imported to the
greatest extent and according to the data, Croatia is the largest importer of pork in Europe. But
the only value of the import of fishing goods is lower than the value of exports due to the export
of tuna. The import of milk and dairy products are also large, so some companies report that
surpluses from the EU are constantly growing in the domestic market, which compete with
domestic products in price, but not the quality at all. The domestic market of fruits and
vegetables is characterized by a negative external trade balance and dependence on imports,
because Croatia lacks most types of fruits and vegetables. |