Abstract | Ekonomija sreće, koja je predmetom izučavanja ovog završnog rada, znanstvena je grana
ekonomije koja se bavi teorijskim, ali i kvantitativnim proučavanjem sreće, blagostanja
građana, zadovoljstva životom i drugim pojmovima koji se odnose na sreću pojedinca.
Suvremeni koncept i ciljevi ekonomije sreće suprotstavljaju se ciljevima tradicionalne
ekonomije koji se najčešće prikazuju monetarnim pokazateljima poput bruto domaćeg
proizvoda (BDP), stope nezaposlenosti, stope inflacije te salda platne bilance. Navedeni
monetarni pokazatelji zbog svojih ograničenja nailaze na sve više kritika te je zbog toga nužno
razviti mjere koje će upotpuniti sliku o blagostanju neke države. Naime, blagostanje se sastoji
od dvije dimenzije - subjektivnog i objektivnog blagostanja.
Ciljevi ovoga rada su objasniti ideje suvremene ekonomije – ekonomije sreće i tradicionalne
ekonomije, kao i analizirati razvoj sreće i zadovoljstva kvalitetom života u Republici Hrvatskoj.
U teorijskom dijelu rada objašnjena su polazišta i pokazatelji uspješnosti tradicionalnih mjera
te polazna određenja i mjerenje sreće suvremenih pristupa ekonomiji. Nakon teorijskog dijela,
prikazana su nacionalna istraživanja sreće i kvalitete života u Republici Hrvatskoj koja je zatim
prikazana na ljestvici sreće u odnosu na druge članice Europske unije. Nadalje, istraženi su i
prikazani rezultati izabranih istraživanja o sreći na razini Europe i Europske unije. Na temelju
rezultata provedenih istraživanja prikazane su zemlje članice koje nose titulu najsretnijih
zemalja te su navedeni i objašnjeni faktori koji pozitivno utječu na sreću stanovnika tih država
te koji ih u konačnici dovode na prvih deset mjesta na ljestvici sreće. Na kraju rada i temeljem
prikupljenih podataka doneseni su određeni zaključci o prednostima ekonomije sreće nasuprot
tradicionalnoj ekonomiji. |
Abstract (english) | The economics of happiness, which is the subject of this final paper, is a scientific branch of
economy that deals with the theoretical and quantitative study of happiness, well-being of
citizens, life satisfaction and other concepts related to the happiness of the individual. The
modern concept and goals of the economy of happiness are opposed to the goals of the
traditional economy, which are most often represented by monetary indicators such as GDP,
unemployment rate, inflation rate and balance of payments. Due to their limitations, these
monetary indicators are increasingly criticized and it is therefore necessary to develop measures
that will complete the picture of the welfare of a country. Namely, well-being consists of two
dimensions - subjective and objective well-being.
The aim of this paper is to explain the ideas of modern economy - the economics of happiness
and traditional economy, as well as to analyze the development of happiness and satisfaction
with the quality of life in the Republic of Croatia.
The theoretical part of the paper explains the starting points and indicators of the success of
traditional measures, as well as the starting determinations and measurement of the happiness of
modern approaches to the economy. After the theoretical part, the national research on
happiness and quality of life in the Republic of Croatia is presented, which was then shown on
the scale of happiness in relation to other members of the European Union. Furthermore, the
results of selected research on happiness at the level of Europe and the European Union are
researched and presented. Based on the research results, the member states that bear the title of
the happiest countries are presented and the factors that positively affect the happiness of the
inhabitants of these countries are listed and explained, which ultimately bring them to the top
ten on the happiness scale. At the end of the paper and based on the collected data, certain
conclusions were made about the advantages of the economics of happiness over the traditional
economy. |