Abstract | Ovaj rad započinje u uvodnom dijelu s novim svjetskim trendovima kao što su ubrzana
globalizacija, napredak znanosti i tehnologije. Poslije uvoda obrađuje se područje istraživanja
tržišta gdje se objašnjavaju osnovni pojmovi poput toga što je to tržište, što su to ponuda i
potražnja te se onda detaljnije ulazi u sam pojam istraživanja tržišta i u način provođenja
marketing procesa. Nakon toga dolaze na red metode istraživanja tržišta koje se dijele na
povijesnu metodu, metodu promatranja, metodu ispitivanja i eksperimentalnu metodu. Sve ove
metode se objašnjavaju u detalje te se govori o njihovim prednostima i manama koje imaju.
Poslije metoda istraživanja tržišta u trećem poglavlju se analizira teorijski pristup segmentaciji
tržišta i objašnjavaju tri glavne marketing strategije izlaska na tržište. Objašnjeno je da
segmentacija tržišta predstavlja podjelu heterogenog tržišta u manje homogene dijelove zbog
lakše daljnje analize. Sama segmentacija se dijeli u pet dijelova, a to su demografija, geografija,
ekonomija, kultura i psihološko ponašanje potrošača. Od marketing strategija tri su glavne, a to
su vodstvo u niskim troškovima, diferencijacija proizvoda i strategija fokusiranja. Nakon
teorijskog dijela dolazi praktični dio, a to je segmentacija tržišta na primjeru potencijalnih
kupaca nekretnina u Republici Hrvatskoj. Sama segmentacija se provodi na način na koji je to
objašnjeno u teorijskom dijelu kroz pet različitih kriterija. Kroz tu analizu se dolazi do različitih
saznanja, onih povoljnih i onih nepovoljnih. Oni loši su sve starije stanovništvo i raseljavanje
ruralnih krajeva i loše ekonomsko stanje, a od dobrih stvari su bogate prirodne raznolikosti i
visoki stupanj religioznosti. Na kraju sve završava raspravom o ovom radu te zaključnim
dijelom. |
Abstract (english) | This final paper begins with the introductory part with new world trends such as accelerated
globalization, advances in science and technology. After the introduction, the area of market
research is discussed, where basic concepts such as what is a market, what are supply and
demand are explained and then there is a more detailed approach to the concept of market
research and the way of implementation of marketing processes. This is followed by market
research methods, which are divided into the historical method, the observation method, the
test method and the experimental method. All of these methods are explained in detail and they
talk about their advantages and disadvantages. After the market research methods, the third
chapter analyzes the theoretical approach to market segmentation and explains the main three
marketing strategies for entering the market. It is explained that market segmentation represents
the division of a heterogeneous market into smaller parts that are more homogeneous for easier
further analysis. The segmentation itself is divided into five parts and those are demography,
geography, economics, culture, and consumer psychological behavior. From marketing
strategies there are three major and these are leadership at low cost, product differentiation and
strategy of focusing. After the theoretical part comes the practical part, which is market
segmentation on the example of potential real estate buyers in the Republic of Croatia. The
segmentation itself is carried out in the way it is explained in the theoretical part through five
different criteria. Through this analysis, different insights are gained, both good and bad. The
bad ones are the aging population and the displacement of rural areas, also poor economic
situation and the good things are richness in natural diversity and a high degree of religiosity.
In the end, everything ends with a discussion of this work and the concluding part. |