Abstract | Cilj navedenog rada bio je prikazati način na koji poslodavci kao i zaposlenici percipiraju
obavljanje radnih zadataka na daljinu. Koje prednosti a koje nedostatke takav oblik rada u
konačnici donosi poslodavcu i posloprimcu? Kako bi se postigao cilj rada prikupljani su
sekundarni podaci te je korištena metoda usporedbe podataka. Navedeni rad dao je uvid u to
kako je upravo rad na daljinu svoj pravi smisao dobio za vrijeme pandemije COVID-a 19 jer
su poslodavci i posloprimci bili primorani razvijati takav oblik rada kako bi uspješno nastavili
svoje poslovanje. Najveću korist uzrokovanu pandemijom, uživala su poduzeća koja su već
prije početka iste razvijala svoje poslovanje kroz primjenu informacijsko-komunikacijske
tehnologije. S druge strane poduzeća koja kroz svoje poslovno djelovanje nisu ulagala sredstva
u takav oblik poslovanja susrela su se s ogromnim izazovom koji je uvelike otežao njihov rad
u kriznim mjesecima. Kao glavne prednosti rada na daljinu za poslodavca moguće je istaknuti
uštede troškova na najmu prostora za rad, komunalijama, održavanju zgrade. Također,
poslodavci pri odabiru radnog kadra za svoje poslovanje nisu limitirani zaposlenicima koji se
nalaze u neposrednoj blizini poduzeća već imaju mogućnost tražiti radnike diljem svijeta pod
uvjetom da isti najprije imaju pristup internetu. Ipak rad na daljinu za poslodavce ima svojih
nedostataka kao što su sigurnosni rizici, poznato je kako dopuštanje takvog načina rada za
sobom donosi nove rizike i izazove za organizaciju. S druge strane neke od prednosti za
posloprimca su vremenske uštede na putovanju do radnog mjesta, koje bivaju moguće kroz rad
uz pomoć IKT-a. No treba spomenuti kako nedostatak izravnog kontakta zaposlenika s ostalim
kolegama iz poduzeća negativno utječe na njegovu percepciju takvog načina obavljanja rada.
Zaposlenik često neozbiljnije percipira dodijeljeni posao koji mora obaviti na daljinu, nego li
u matičnim prostorijama poduzeća, što se u konačnici negativno odražava na kvalitetu
poslovanja poduzeća. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of the aforementioned work was to show the way in which employers and employees
perceive the performance of work tasks at a distance. What advantages and disadvantages does
this form of work ultimately bring to the employer and the employee? In order to achieve the
goal of the work, secondary data were collected and the data comparison method was used.
The aforementioned work gave an insight into how remote work gained its true meaning during
the COVID-19 pandemic, because employers and employees were forced to develop such a
form of work in order to successfully continue their business. The greatest benefit caused by
the pandemic was enjoyed by companies that had already developed their business through the
application of information and communication technology before the pandemic began. On the
other hand, companies that did not invest funds in such a form of business through their
business activities faced a huge challenge that made their work much more difficult in the crisis
months. As the main advantages of telecommuting for the employer, it is possible to highlight
cost savings on the rental of work space, utilities, and building maintenance. Also, when
choosing employees for their business, employers are not limited to employees who are located
in the immediate vicinity of the company, but have the opportunity to search for workers all
over the world, provided that they first have access to the Internet. However, remote work for
employers has its disadvantages such as security risks, it is known that allowing such a way of
working brings with it new risks and challenges for the organization. On the other hand, some
of the advantages for the employee are time savings on the journey to the workplace, which
are possible through working with the help of ICT. However, it should be mentioned that the
employee's lack of direct contact with other colleagues from the company negatively affects
his perception of such a way of doing work. The employee often perceives assigned work,
which he has to do remotely, more frivolously than in the company's headquarters, which
ultimately has a negative impact on the quality of the company's operations. |