Abstract | U ovom završnom radu će se obraditi tema Marketing-mix hotelskog poduzeća Hilton, važnost marketing-mixa općenito u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu te njegove najbitnije značajke. Marketingmix se gleda kao esencijalni dio marketinga koji obuhvaća planiranje i donošenje odluka oko budućnosti organizacije, u ovom slučaju svjetski poznatog hotelskog brenda Hilton. Klasičan oblik marketing-mixa se odnosi na podjelu, u ekonomiji poznatu kao 4P, točnije dijeli se na proizvod, cijenu, distribuciju i promociju. Tijekom vremena, kako marketing svakodnevno, svake sekunde napreduje, ta klasična podjela je dobila i dodatna tri odjeljka: Ljudi, Procesi i Fizičko okruženje. Marketing u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu je vrlo bitan dio organizacije i pripreme daljnjeg poslovanja samog hotelskog poduzeća jer, bez kvalitetno definiranog marketing-mixa, to jest marketinga unutar hotelskog poduzeća, nije moguće ostvariti dugoročni uspjeh te rast i razvoj hotelskog poduzeća. Ovom prilikom, kako je prethodno navedeno, će se staviti u fokus svjetski brend hotela Hilton te će se pobliže objasniti i definirati najbitnije značajke tog hotelskog poduzeća kao i njihov marketing-mix te važnost u svjetskom turizmu i ugostiteljstvu. |
Abstract (english) | This paper will discuss the theme of the Marketing-mix of the hotel company Hilton, the importance of the marketing-mix in general in tourism and catering and its most important features. The marketing mix is seen as an essential part of marketing that involves planning and making decisions about the future of the organization, in this case the world-famous Hilton hotel brand. The classic form of marketing mix refers to division, in economics known as 4P, more precisely it is divided into product, price, distribution and promotion. Over time, as marketing progresses daily, every second, this classic division has been given an additional three sections: People, Processes, and the Physical Environment. Marketing in tourism and catering is a very important part of the organization and preparation of further business of the hotel company because, without a well-defined marketing mix, ie marketing within the hotel company, it is not possible to achieve long-term success and growth and development of the hotel company. On this occasion, as previously mentioned, the world brand of the Hilton hotel will be focused on and the most important features of the hotel company will be explained and defined in more detail, as well as their marketing mix and importance in world tourism and catering. |