Abstract | Ekonomija sreće je interdisciplinarno polje koje se bavi proučavanjem veze između ekonomskih faktora i individualne sreće. Za ekonomiste, sreća predstavlja blagostanje građana koje uključuje objektivnu i subjektivnu dimenziju. Objektivno blagostanje temelji se na tradicionalnom pristupu proučavanja zadovoljstva života, a proučava političke, ekonomske, društvene i okolišne uvjete življenja. S druge strane, subjektivno blagostanje predstavlja zadovoljstvo pojedinca njegovim životom. Ono promatra pozitivne i negativne emocije te ispituje smislenost i zadovoljstvo pojedinca. Ovaj rad ima za cilj istražiti osnovne koncepte ekonomije sreće te usporediti i istražiti razinu sreće u Hrvatskoj s Njemačkom, Bugarskom i Češkom u razdoblju od 2017. do 2021. godine. Također, rad će prikazati razinu bruto domaćeg proizvoda (BDP) Hrvatske u usporedbi s navedenim zemljama. U empirijskom dijelu ovog završnog rada prikazani su rezultati analize indeksa ljudskog razvoja, indeksa planetarne sreće, indeksa svjetske sreće i BDP-a između navedenih zemalja, čime se pruža cjelovitiji uvid u ekonomiju sreće i usporedbu Hrvatske s drugim zemljama. Rezultati analize otkrili su značajne razlike u indeksu sreće, planetarne sreće i indeksu ljudskog razvoja među spomenutim zemljama. Na vrhu ljestvice istaknula se Njemačka, koja je ostvarila najviše vrijednosti u indeksu sreće i indeksu ljudskog razvoja. Češka i Hrvatska također su se istaknule kao zemlje s visokim rangiranjem u tim kategorijama. S druge strane, Bugarska je zemlja s najnižim vrijednostima u tim kategorijama. |
Abstract (english) | The economics of happiness is an interdisciplinary field that examines the relationship between economic factors and individual happiness. For economists, happiness represents the wellbeing of citizens, which includes both objective and subjective dimensions. Objective wellbeing is based on the traditional approach of studying life satisfaction and investigates the political, economic, social, and environmental conditions of living. On the other hand, subjective well-being represents an individual's satisfaction with their life. It observes positive and negative emotions and explores the meaning and contentment of individuals. This paper aims to explore the fundamental concepts of the economics of happiness and compare the level of happiness in Croatia with Germany, Bulgaria, and the Czech Republic from 2017. to 2021. Additionally, the paper will present the level of Croatia's gross domestic product (GDP) compared to the mentioned countries. In the empirical part of this final thesis, the results of the analysis of the Human Development Index, the World Happiness Index, the Happy Planet Index, and GDP among the mentioned countries are presented, providing a more comprehensive insight into the economy of happiness and comparing Croatia with other countries. The analysis results revealed significant differences in the Happiness Index, planetary happiness, and Human Development Index among the mentioned countries. Germany emerged at the top of the ranking, achieving the highest values in the happiness index and the human development index. The Czech Republic and Croatia also stood out as countries with high rankings in these categories. On the other hand, Bulgaria had the lowest values in these categories. |