Title Analiza poslovne uspješnosti poduzeća Aureus d.o.o.
Author Marija Babić
Mentor Neda Vitezić (mentor)
Committee member Neda Vitezić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mira Dimitrić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirjana Grčić Fabić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract U okviru poslovne ekonomije često se čuje za pojam kontroling, zadnjih dvadesetak godine kontroling je jedna od često obrađivanih tema. Kontroling je vrlo bitan segment u poslovanju poduzeća, zaslužan je za uspješnost poslovanja i teži k ostvarivanju što viših ciljeva. Kontroling pruža stručnu podršku te pomaže u procesima odlučivanja vođenja i upravljanja. Kako bi poduzeće uspješno poslovalo, prije svega je bitno da postavljanje ciljeva sukladno onom što poduzeće želi postići. Ukoliko su ciljevi postavljeni, bitan je intenzivan razvoj koji je moguće ostvariti ukoliko je prisutno stalno planiranje, stalno ispitivanje te stalno informiranje. Stalno informiranje uključuje prikupljanje informacija, ne samo o poslovanju samog poduzeća nego i iz okruženja. Povećanje vrijednosti samog poduzeća dovodi do uspješnog poslovanja koji u kombinaciji s likvidnosti i stabilnosti te društveno odgovornim poslovanjem dovodi do efikasnog upravljanja poslovnim procesom.
Kontroling prikuplja, obrađuje i analizira podatke, te ih slaže u smislenu cjelinu. Podaci se skupljaju iz različitih baza unutar i izvan poduzeća. Pomoću podataka menadžment dobije cjelokupnu sliku o poslovanju poduzeća te sukladno s tim može odlučiti u kojem smjeru će se poslovanje odvijati, te kako se poduzeće može prilagoditi novonastalim uvjetima.
Cilj ovog rada je da na primjeru poduzeća Aureus d.o.o. prikazati kretanja poslovne uspješnosti istoimenog poduzeća u periodu od 2014. godine do 2019. godine.
Područje kontrolinga je i financijska analiza kojom se ocjenjuje financijsko poslovanje konkretnog poduzeća. Rezultati koji su dobiveni financijskom analizom služe i internim i eksternim korisnicima. Financijskom analizom su obuhvaćene razne pojave koje se promatraju s aspekta njihove dinamike (horizontalna analiza) i strukture (vertikalna), te se koriste razni pokazatelji kako bi se objasnilo kretanje pojedinih pojava i ukupno poslovanje.
Abstract (english) Within the business economy, the term controlling is often heard, for the last twenty years controlling has been one of the most frequently discussed topics. Controlling is a very important segment in the company's business, it is responsible for the success of the business and strives to achieve the highest possible goals. Controlling provides professional support and assists in decision-making processes of leadership and management. In order for a company to operate successfully, it is first and foremost important that setting goals is in line with what the company wants to achieve. If the goals are set, intensive development is important, which can be achieved if there is constant planning, constant examination and constant information. Continuous information involves gathering information not only about the business of the company itself but also from the environment. Increasing the value of the company itself leads to successful business, which in combination with liquidity and stability and socially responsible business leads to efficient business process management.
Controlling collects, processes and analyzes data, and puts them into a meaningful whole. Data is collected from various databases inside and outside the company. With the help of data, the management gets a complete picture of the company's operations and accordingly can decide in which direction the business will take place, and how the company can adapt to the new conditions.
The aim of this paper is that on the example of the company Aureus d.o.o. show the business performance trends of the company of the same name in the period from 2014 to 2019.
The area of controlling is also the financial analysis which evaluates the financial operations of a specific company. The results obtained from the financial analysis serve both internal and external users. Financial analysis covers various phenomena that are observed from the aspect of their dynamics (horizontal analysis) and structure (vertical), and various indicators are used to explain the movement of individual phenomena and overall business.
poslovna uspješnost
financijska analiza
Keywords (english)
business performance
financial analysis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:970551
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Finance and Banking, Entrepreneurship, Management, Finance and Accounting, Marketing, International Business, IT Business, International Business IT Business Course: Finance and Banking Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-10-27 14:18:43