Abstract | Kao jedna od najvažnijih subjekata međunarodne trgovine, Nizozemska je među najuspješnijim državama na svijetu u provođenju svoje trgovinske strategije. Nizozemska se nalazi u zapadnoj Europi uz obalu Sjevernog mora, glavni grad je Amsterdam, a graniči s Belgijom na jugu, Njemačkom na zapadu i s Ujedinjenim Kraljevstvom putem prekomorske granice. Iskoristivši svoju stratešku geografsku poziciju Nizozemska je sjajno provela svoju trgovinsku politiku ulažući u velike morske luke poput Rotterdama, te s iznimnom infrastrukturom i komunikacijama osigurala je brz i efikasan protok proizvoda na tržište Europe. kao jedna od zemlja s najvećim re-izvozom uvezenih proizvoda(čak 50% izvoza), naziva se i „vratima“ Europe. Nizozemska pretežito izvozi strojeve, sirovine, elektroničku i kemijsku opremu, a najvažniji trgovinski partneri su Njemačka, Belgija, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, Kina i SAD. Vodeći vrlo liberalnu politiku osigurala je prisutnost različitih kultura diljem svijeta, te privlači visoko obrazovanu radnu snagu koja doprinosi razvoju Nizozemskog gospodarstva. Analizirajući najvažnije makroekonomske pokazatelje poput BDP-a, BDP per capita, stopu nezaposlenosti, stopu inflacije i dr., te Nizozemske izvoze i uvozne trendove, najvažnije partnere u međunarodnoj trgovini, vanjskotrgovinsku bilancu, ugovore o slobodnoj trgovini i njenu trgovinsku politiku u cjelini, dokazano je da Nizozemska provodi odličnu trgovinsku politiku za dobrobit svoje ekonomije. |
Abstract (english) | As one of the most important subjects of international trade, the Netherlands is among the most successful countries in the world in implementing its trade strategy. The Netherlands is located in Western Europe along the North Sea coast, the capital is Amsterdam, and borders with Belgium to the south, Germany to the west, and the United Kingdom via an overseas border. Taking advantage of its strategic geographical position, the Netherlands has implemented its trade policy brilliantly by investing in major seaports such as Rotterdam, and with its exceptional infrastructure and communications, it has ensured the rapid and efficient flow of products to the European market. as one of the countries with the largest re-export of imported products (as much as 50% of exports), it is also called the "doors" of Europe. The Netherlands mainly exports machinery, raw materials, electronic and chemical equipment, and its most important trading partners are Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, China and the United States. Leading a very liberal policy has ensured the presence of different cultures around the world, and it attracts highly educated workforce that contributes to the development of the Dutch economy. Analyzing the most important macroeconomic indicators such as GDP, GDP percapita, unemployment rate, inflation rate, etc., and the Netherlands exports and import trends, the most important partners in international trade, foreign trade balance, free trade agreements and its trade policy as a whole, proved that the Netherlands pursues an excellent trade policy for the benefit of its economy. |
Study programme | Title: Business economics; specializations in: Finance and Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Management, Finance and Banking, Marketing, International Business, IT Business Course: International Business Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije) |